Banished Ventures

North 6 – New Economy

December 9, 2017

Version 6 of the North mod is finished. In this post you find a conclusion of new buildings, resources and gameplay changes. If you like to figure out all the new content by playing, you can just download it here. This version is not save compatible. So you have to delete or disable the old version and to start a new map.

Resource Categories and Building Materials

First of all, this version uses Banished 1.0.7 features which are new custom flags and the opportunity to define more than 3 building materials. Two actually small changes but unlocking very nice opportunities. Great thanks to the developer for this upgrade! The new resource flagging of the North mod allows to control all kinds of building materials by their own production limit and to follow their stocks in overview or townhall statistics. All building requirements are reworked following a tile based rule and glass is added to all constructions which obviously have window panes. Glass is made by a new glassworks from sand, mined from river beds. Other new requirements are utensils necessary for professions such as traps for the trappers cabin and barrows for markets and trading docks. These items have to be crafted.


New Workplaces

Blacksmiths, Foresters, Hunters, Gatherers and Herbalists got new workplaces in Nordic style and the new Oven House finally allows to bake bread. Log cabins can now be expanded by more versatile workplaces as it was in the old version. Here farmers can now grind grain, brew ale and mead, preserve fruits or make clothes in long winters when the fields are covered by snow. Also a bee yard is added to produce honey.

More Food Processing

Ale and Mead are now the main beverages of the North and classified as foodstuff. With this change it makes really sense to produce alcohol and it’s also realistic because brewing was an old way of preservation and contains a lot of calories. Schnaps made from rye or potatoes is still no food and for trading or drinking only. Barkeepers can serve it in the tavern to let people come to a drinking bout. They also can provide dishes like roasted beef, lamb or venison together with ale. It has an effect on food supply and makes the tavern to a useful facility of your town.

Meat can now also be salted or smoked like fish and certain fruits can be preserved using sugar. As a new dairy product from the North Skyr is added, made from raw milk while cheese now needs salt for even more efficient preservation.

Farming reworked

Climate becomes slightly warmer in this version by about 2.5 degree. Must be the climate change or so but who knows. The more important fact is that this warm period makes farming more interesting. Just like the adjusted properties of crops. For example, beans are vegetables and now also provide protein but have a slightly smaller yield than other veges like cabbage. Turnips and onions are easy to grow and don’t need any education while other crops should be grown by educated farmers. Apples and pears bring a higher yield but cherries and plums can be preserved using sugar for even better results. Crops from the New World are removed from the core mod to make a medieval or even Viking scenario more realistic.

Trading System

A new trading dock is included and can be combined to build up your own dock area. The new resource flags make it possible to control imports much better. So merchants will bring only typical trade goods from the North or from southern regions far away. You will get preserved foodstuff or living animals instead of fresh beef or chicken. Seeds and livestock are now common goods and don‘t need waiting for specialized merchants anymore. Gold and silver are used as medium of exchange in historical ratios of trade values. Coins are still used as well but more later if you build a big trading post.

Recultivation of Pits and Quarries

Now clay pits and quarries can be flooded and used as fishing waters when mining is over. I was fiddling a lot to include it in a realistic way with a nice look and feel but technically it was only possible after Bartender found the possibility to use the in game water material for new objects together with a fix of the ‘pink water issue’ found by Discrepancy. So this feature is dedicated to these modders! ;)


Most of simple works like mining, hunting and gathering (except of herbs) don‘t need education anymore. Also herding and growing simple crops. So education is almost unimportant in „old times“ where people usually did not go to school. On the other hand education is now something to achieve. Your people always start uneducated on a new map and have to build a school to improve the productivity of crafting professions.

Adapted Mods

A couple of new mods are adapted to work in the North scenario. These are Despo20 Medieval Houses, EB Saltworks, EB Herbalist, EB Leatherworks and Kids More Houses as well as a couple of DS mods. All mods from the old recommended list like Mini Buildings, Forest Outpost and so on are still working with this version.

Have fun with this mod and let me know your ideas and suggestions or bugs if you find something.

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