Gilcreek-595880451.lush green plain,very large,fair climate,no disasters,medium start with cucumer ,sorghum,and apricot seed.
mod adjustments- move the livestock trade and veggy seed mods higher in the mod order to correct issues. KID’s plantation, the train mods, and DS Thompson Traders were removed. added KID’s monestary,mission, and bed&breakfast and market food mods, DS globe theatre,Necora’s empty square block mod, and the more stone mod. 138 mods
goal-with the virus pandemic and supply issues happening with it around the globe, things could get very bad. how bad is up for debate and this is not the place for that. these bannies have decided to build a Post Collapse Community. here they will build a new society for survivors.
this has turned into a project. i had the math on the layout wrong as some of the radiuses are different than i had figured.what should have been a nice community was the size of a city. the outer circle will be left keep the banies busy, i’ve added another goal to make things even more challenging.
their goal is to have a population of 500. about a third or 150 of these will be Amish. the Amish already use the old ways to grow and preserve food. learning from them will help us avoid starvation. farms will grow food outside the community. every other farm will be Amish. between the farms and forests,trees will be cleared.this is a firebreak to protect the community from forest fires. it will also help spot anyone from waundering into our community, either the infected or the map will be outlined in forests,then meadows,and then a circle of farms.
there will be 1 road access out through the meadows and forests. along the road, a walled compound to isolate the surviviors will be built. everyone and everything coming in or out of the community will be quarantined for at least 1 month. it will work out to be longer in Banished World as survivors work to restock supplies at the compound for the next group. we’ll need some volunteers to search for survivors and to deal with them at the isolation center or Quarantine Zone.all goods traded in or out will also go thru a quarantine phase.again we will need volunteers that work the trade posts but won’t mingle with the other community do this we will build 3 barns. the bannies will store in a barn 1 month. the supplies will sit for a month and then the banies can use the items. 1 of these may have to be a market to insure the trade workers are stocked with food and firewood.
the community will need barns to move supplies in from the farms and forests. the plan is to build food processors and butchers. a huge town center is planned where they can have meetings.the Amish will want their own church and school. we do plan an R&D office,research and development.
we will need to make our own supplies. since banish doesn’t allow for houses to use pottery/dishes,silverware,or furniture, we will make huge wharewhouse barns. our plan is to store dishes,silverware,candles,furniture,shoes,and linen. the goal is to store 5 of each item per house.
to move the bannies’ start point away from the center. i used the debug tool to add a large house and storage,a KID work cart, and 2 stone bridges had to be debug added. 1 couple has volunteered to live here and tend to the newcomers. nomads will be quarantined and debriefed before becoming part of the main community. 1 couple will stay near the start point and build a lighthouse. they will be our trade worker volunteers.for now,1 will fish the river and the other will help move supplies.
to simulate the search team finding some supplies and to keep the quarantine zone stocked, a #2 and 5 farmyard are planted. the bannies built the mission hostel,lighthouse, and started work on the Amish farm. with 11 children and the distance, the bannies had to work to keep everyone fed.
the 2 couples that will be the search team will also work on clearing trees from the fire break.with good conservation methods and having a wide open meadow surrounding the community,we should avoid any forest fires. a mini townhall will bring the nomad survivors.
pic 1: map settings
pic 2: map start
pic 3: debug used
pic 4: the quarantine zone
pic 5: Amish farm
pic 6: firebreak zone
YEAR 4-7
as the search team heads out,we have lots of work to do.there is lots of cleanup to be done for the quarantine zone and more storage is was cleared for the next farm.some survey work has been done.Slink’s Industrial market will increase our storage capacity and help move supplies for production workers. an infirmary will check the health of the incoming survivors.
the way i had this figured and the way it looks in game and functions is different. the idea is to grow food on the outskirts. bring the food in to another circle to be stored and processed. then a circle of houses surrounding a center meeting area.this center would have markets,a school,medical,etc to support the from the center out, there would be a circle of houses,then a circle of processing and storage,and then a circle of farms. beyond the farms would be the firebreak area of meadows and then forests to provide the firewood.
i think the idea makes sence. but it looks too big. a stream cuts through the production area which would help with fires. it also means the processors are too far from the housing. mixing houses in with the processors wasn’t the plan. the dilema is the more workers living in the production zone, the less work those in the housing zone have to do.
i wrestled with this for way too long. the farm circle is right. we need that much land to feed the population. the center looks larger than needed,but i did take some of that land with the trading zone. here is what i came up with to solve this.
we will double the size of the farms. they will be 20X40 farms with 2 households.the center will be 50 wide.housing circle 25 wide,production area about 10 wide.farms will be along the stream.
pic 1: Amish farm
pic 2:mini townhall to bring nomads
pic 3: Slink market
pic 4: infirmary
YEAR 8 and 9
the bannies built a smelter for iron and a house.the iron was neeeded to build the RK school.a Nordic wharehouse will move supplies for the rezoned production area.we extended the mission walls and built a 2nd hostel to house survivors at the quarantine zone. a 10% welcome sign will bring nomads for year 9.
10 survivors have been located and brought to the quarantine zone.3 couples,a teen,and 3 children. they will stay at the QZ most of this year. they help with the gardens and gather stone to extend the walls. as long as they do not have the virus, 1 couple will help at the forest near the quarantine zone. another will start meadows south of the Amish farm. the 3rd are farmers.while the survivoras are in quarantine, our builder works on the meadow hut and some storage barns. houses are built in the fall.
pic 1:Nordic wharehouse
pic 2:EB iron smelter
pic 3:RK school
pic 4:QZ walls
pic 5:firebreak
pic 6: farm
population 41,2 students and 26 workers. we have finally found 1 group of 10 survivors. 1 family is still at the quarantine zone while their house is being completed. we’ve worked to stockpile food and materials. we have a school.
it has been a very slow start. the zoning had to be changed. i do think the layout will work better. it is kind of a map inside a map as much of the outer area will be left that survivors are arriving ,the pace will improve.
goal- the trading post needs built. everything that is brought to the community has to be left in storage for some time before the bannies can use it. while we waited for survivors to be found, the QZ was stocked with materials and supplies. it can be restocked once those bannies are known to be clear of the will be more challenging to do that with the trading post. the family in the lighthouse volunteered to work the trading post. once they start trading and meet with other merchants,they will no longer be allowed to mingle with the community members.
otherwise, the community can grow quite smoothly. the quarantine zone will be be expanded by the survivors during their isolation period.we do plan a firebreak around the QZ. we will also need a sawmill for lumber with the next set of forests.
note- stay tuned,this does get rough.
pic 1:stats
pic 2:production
pic 3:inventory
pic 4:graph
YEAR 10-12
as soon as the farmers move out of the QZ, the hostel will be now, the young have grown up and need houses. the 1st couple will expand the meadow firebreak near the QZ. the 2nd is Amish woodworkers. they will work a forest across the river.
8 survivors were found by our search team in year 11.2 couples, a teen,and 3 children.while they are in quarantine, a tailor and blacksmith are built. the survivors built a kitchen at the QZ.
the teen had lost her parents to the virus. they were doctors who caught the virus while trying to save others. the teen wanted to stay at the QZ and be a doctor.this caused arguments. the community members were concerned that if there was an outbreak there was no doctor for the community. all of them would be in isolation with the survivors.ithey needed a doctor in case a child broke a limb as well. the teen girl spent another year learning at the quarantine zone. a Doc office was built. she spends much of her time teaching others about safety to prevent accidents. she will study hard to make up for her lack of experience.
pic 1:fire break meadow
pic 2: forest
pic 3:kitchen
pic 4: tailor and blacksmith
pic 5:doc office
YEAR 13 and 14
11 survivors were found.8 workers with 3 children. an Amish family with 2 teen workers and 2 families. they extend the walls and add a pen for animals that the Amish bring with them.1 couple will work the firebreak zone near the QZ. the other couple will work as laborers to help clear more land. 1 of the Amish teens will work a sawmill to cut lumber.
the hostel was emptied and cleaned just before 12 more survivors arrived.8 workers with 4 children. 1 of our youngsters caught a turkey.he penned it in and started a farm across the stream.
pic 1: amish farm
pic 2:QZ pen
pic 3: sawmill
pic 4: turkey farm
YEAR 15 and 16
1 couple moves to the edge of the meadow and will hunt and gather food between it and the forests. another volunteered to stay on at the QZ. this will save micro managing the gardens.
a general trade post is built.stone walls separate the trading couple from the community.a CC distribution barn was completed.its vendor is not moving anything. how the trade area is suppose to function and will are different. goods go in 1 barn this month, they set in isolation for a month and the 3rd month the items can be moved to the community and used.a 3 barn goods are moved out for the community,other goods are moved in for the volunteer works to use or to be traded. a fake barn is built. it is a small KID market with a covering. this will keep the workers supplied. if it does not move enough of the items that are being traded,i’ll make some adjustments later.
a market was built to organize supplies for the community. several of our children have now grown. they built houses near by.
the trading post is stocked with flowers,furs,copper,and seedlings.goods that other survival communtiies will need. we need seeds and livestock. it brought in watermelon seed.
pic 1: gathering hut
pic 2:isolated trade post
pic 3: house for more helpers at the QZ
pic 4: market
YEAR 17 and 18
5 survivors were found and escorted to the QZ. a family with a teen and 2 children.while they are in isolation, land is cleared for the next farm.they were given some baby goats and seeds. the teen works a beekeeper at the edge of the meadow.
the community fenced a cemetary, a forester was killed by a falling tree.
the trade post brought in bean seeds.
pic 1: another farm
pic 2: cemetary
24 survivors were found and brought to the QZ .6 families,with 1 teen and 11 children. while they are in quarantine and working on extending the walls, a thatch hut,gathering hut,and hunting tower are built north of the QZ.
once we know the surivors are free of the virus,they can help the builder.
we have acquired squash seeds with the trading post.
pic 1:firebreak
pic 2:QZ
population 158,19 students and 73 children. we took in 5 groups of 60 survivors in the last decade plus the 10 from quickly as 1 group is cleared from the Quarantine Zone and the hostels are cleaned,another group arrives. we had to work to restock supplies.
the trade post has brought watermelon,bean ,and squash seeds. the sawmill has produced lumber and been able to help cut firewood. the community added a doc office,tailor,blacksmith, a cemetary and a playground near the school.
each group of survivors continued expanding the walls of the QZ. they fenced an area for animals and built a kitchen. to tend to the survivors, a 2nd couple volunteered to stay and help there. the firebreak has almost cleared the trees around the QZ and the west side of the community.
the community is virus free. everyone is healthy. we did lose 1 bannie due to an accident. there are complaints and questions about our survivability long term. our tools are old and are starting to break more often. each year, they work harder and harder and are starting to question why.
we are struggling to find enough iron ore and stones. we have 7 farms. they will support 70 bannies. we still need to stock the QZ for new survivors and feed all the children. we have 2 gathering huts and hunters plus the search team supporting the forest and meadow workers.
goals-we’ll continue expanding the west side of the community north of the river. the production zone will need a mine for stone and iron. i’d like to build the wharehouse barn for the extra items,those that the bannies want but houses won’t use. such as furniture and candles. hopefully we can find time to build a meeting hall for the town center.
the groups of survivors should come less often but be larger.we need a grain seed and livestock.once we get 2 years of food stored,we can build some food processors.
pic 1: stats
pic 2: production
pic 3: inventory
pic 4: graph
pic 5:overview frm the QZ
pic 6: overview farms
pic 7: overview center
YEAR 20 abd 21
3 families built houses in the forest to the west while land was cleared for the 2 Amish couples. the 6th couple built an RK house and will work as laborers.
the traders built a house for their older son and upgraded the fishing pier.his wife planted a garden of corn,squash,and beans. we continued extended the firebreak with more graduates. another thatch hut and KID forest work south of the sawmill. laborers help clear land for 2 pastures when they find time.
we traded for grape seeds and 3 bison.
pic 1:Amish farm
pic 2:forest
pic 3: meadow
pic 4: trade zone
YEAR 22-24
the bison are moved from the trade zone to a large pasture. a wharehouse is completed. the center has an R&D office and a records office. before we can work at improving life for the bannies,we need to increase tool outputs.a mine is dug to provide more iron ore. the smelter will process iron for the blacksmith. this will use half as much iron ore than the blacksmith processing iron ore into tools. the next 3 graduates will work the mine.
the trade post brought in tomato seed.
pic 1: bison pasture
pic 2: center offices
pic 3: CC ore mine
YEAR 25 and 26
20 survivors have arrived. 5 couples with 4 teens and 6 children.they work to build a 3rd hostel to house the larger groups.3 couples will move to the fire break. they’ll extend the forests and hunt ,gather food,and collect herbs. the other 2 couples are farmers. 1 moves to the north to grow peahces. they built a cow shed for the animals they brought with them. the other couple moved south and will grow tomatoes and a garden of corn and cabbages. the teens will become laborers to help clear more land.
the trade post brought in peach and raspberry seed.
pic 1: firebreak forest
pic 2:QZ.3rd hostel
pic 3:north farm
pic 4: south farm
with the number of graduates, we need 4 houses. 1 couple will work a meadow to the south. 1 will work a forester near the QZ.and an Amish couple will begin clearing a farm along the south stream. the R&D office ordered 1 couple to move north and begin digging an RK random mine. they claim using coal to make better tools for the miners will conserve our iron.
a wood cutter will increase our firewood supply.we’ve increased to 20 laborers supplying 2 builders.
pic 1:meadow
pic 2:Amish farmhouse
pic 3:RK random mine
pic 4: wood cutter
YEAR 28 and 29
let’s see if i can explain this.we have these off or slow years.sometimes this is caused by the bannies being busy and needing time to catch up some clearing project.sometimes i am off. there are other times that the bannies just slow down for no apparent reason.i think it is due to the happiness doesn’t happen to all the bannies at the same time. it is hardly noticeable until it affects laborers and builders. with production outputs, i really do think it happens to wood cutters and blacksmiths as well.
with this mod order set up,the citizen graph and menus show full stars.hence it is difficult to analyze what is causing it. it is quite subtle until it affects the buildiing projects. i think the education tweaks counter it so it doesn’t affect food workers as much as other workers. i do know the bannies get upset and strike if churches are crowded. the solution then is to disable the church until another church is built. there is no church on this map or tavern yet. there is plenty of space in the school. there are plenty of supplies and markets. it is like the bannies get bored and refuse to work.
the laborers being stuck on idle lasted til winter.1 of our young couples built a boat house and fishing dock.
we had a death during child birth.
53 survivors arrived in early summer of year 29.36 workers with 17 children. they add a distillery and another hostel to the Quarantine Zone.we do have an outbreak of Diptheria so these survivors will stay in quarantine longer. our laborers are busy working to clear land for more farms.
we gain root and veggy seeds with the trade post.
pic 1:boat rental and fishing dock
pic 2: QZ
population 294,in 59 houses counting the 4 hostels and the 4 quarantine tents. 2 groups of 73 survivors were located by the search team.they’ve added 2 more hostels and a distillery to the quarantene zone. the firebreak surrounds the QZ and protects the farms along the river.
2 offices and the wharehouse were built in the town center. 2 mines were dug to provide materials for tools. the trading post brought in bison,grape,peach,raspberry,tomato,root,and veggy seeds.we still need a grain seed and more livestock.
goals- once the survivors are moved out of the QZ, we should produce enough food to supply some processors. we will also begin to make the household goods. those will be wharehoused.this will be a busy decade as we expand along the south and north ends of the community.
pic 1: stats
pic 2: production
pic 3: inventory
pic 4: graphs
pic 5: overview Quaramtine Zone, the firebreak meadows have been busy clearing trees.
pic 6: overiew center
pic 7: overview west farms and production area
pic 8: overview northwest farms and mines
pic 9: overview southwest farms
YEAR 30 and 31
we need to build 18 houses to move the survivors out of the QZ. 10 couples are farmers.4 couples will expand the firebreak and forests.the other 4 will expand the community markets and clothing and tool productions. a tailor,blacksmith, and market are built to support the north workers. a church is built near the will serve as a meeting hall as well. the south production uses the stream to produce clay.
by spring of year 32,we have 14 houses completed. as fast as we built houses for the survivors, more students are graduating.
the trade post acquired oat seed.
pic 1:nw farms
pic 2: south farms
pic 3: church
pic 4: tailor ,blacksmith,and some markets.
pic 5:forest and meadow housing and gathering
pic 6: CC clay shoreman
pigs that the Amish brought need a pen.1 couple builds a pottery shed to make the dishes.the hostels are empty and cleaned again.
we need housing for the graduates. we increase to 20 laborers. another church was needed for the northern half of the community. the center added a hospital. a CC refinery is needed to supply the potter with furnace fuel. a candle shop will supply the miners and the houses with light. RK markets move raw materials and some building supplies.
mercahnts traded pigs for our furs and some pelts.
we had a death, a tailor was murdered. this is upsetting.
that was a busy year. we still need about 10 more houses for graduates.
pic 1:Amish pig farm
pic 2:north Amish farm
pic 3: CC potter and KID’s candle shop
pic 4: CC refinery
pic 5: north church
pic 6: north housing
while we wait for charcoal to build an RK foundry and candles to dig mines deeper, the bannies work on extending the firebreak forests and meadows.even with more builders, thes will take time due to the distance to haul materials.we had plans to catch the housing up for our graduates and clear more land.
we did have another forester die from a falling tree.
pic 1:north clearing
pic 2: south firebreak