WOW, huge gains. i overhauled some. the CC compatabiluity 1.07 mod did work for the RK and CC. items are interchangeable and many of the CC factories do work,did not test them all. at the same time, i loaded the RKEC LITE version to see what differences there were. the memory saved is about half a GB. even after loading back in several housing mods ,it is a big payoff.after adding other mods, the order is still smaller than before.
i want to explain the mods in this order. the overall goal is to have a base mod order that can be used to play a variety of different maps without a lot of adjusting. the gaol has been to get the mod order stable so i don’t have to make major adjustments,but can swap a couple mods in and out and launch the next map. i rather not add mods mid-game so i like having them in the toolbox,mod order,just in case. of course this idea is limited by the amount of computer memory.using more than 90% memory causes longer load times and the game slows down.
some of these mods are very critical about where they go in the mod order.not every mod is affected by start mods.for example modded mines are not unlimited,some work places will require education,some buildings will show smoke.
some are older versions for various reasons .
made a few more adjustments to the mod order. removed flora edit since it wasn’t helping with linen. added EB’s rock qarry,natural irrigation canal and deco mod to get water and the shorter grass. added KID’s market food stands to use in some city plazas and the 2020 Chirstmas mod for more shop houses and chocolate. added Pilgrim’s colonial houses and the Notre Dame Cathedral. 133 mods.
Elsberry,562832355,lush green lakes,large,fair,no disasters,medium start, potatoe,broccoli,and plums.
Goal-build a mega city supported by several plantation farms. i have made several attempts at this. it is challenging.1 map was too small so the plantations wouldn’t fit well. then the plantations were too big and taking too much work and time to get established.
the city will go across the river between it and the stream north of the mountain will get stone city roads and several huge colonial buildings.i plan to mix many CC and DS factories into the city and use the full set of Thompson Trade posts.
the plantations are to each have an animal, have the main house for the owners,another main for their children that grow up,and smaller houses for workers,and all be fenced in.we may fence just the main sections and not all the way around them all.there should be at least 5 plantations.
we’ll start with a village that will have both a seed and livestock trade posts in order to bring those in faster. we’ll trade marble and need a quarry for the stone.the start village will serve the plantations with a church and school. it will help move materials and goods toward the city.depending on how this lays out,we can expand south of the mine mountain ridge with more farms.
the 15 bannies built quickly. several offices including a mayors office were built. a bait shop and fishing pier and 1 garden supplied food.we hunted and gathered in between clearing logs and rocks.we even built a covered bridge across the river.
in year 2,we added a corner store and wood stor to increase the storage capacity.a cemetary was laid out.we cut trees for the trading posts and began to clear toward a mountain for the stone quarry.
pic 1: start settings
pic 2: map
pic 3:start village
pic 4: markets
Nice to see something from you again.
YEAR 3-5
a family of 4 arrived,3 workers with 1 child.they establish plantation #1.2 Pilgrim houses and several small sheds were constructed.they plan to plant flowers and harvest honey from bees. for now, they grow flax and make linen clothes and plant a field of broccoli.
the village added a RH blacksmith to make rough tools. a mini forester at the lake edge will bring in logs.
the next 4 settlers,3 workers with 1 child, dig a stone and a jade quarry. this will give us a valuable trade good. for this we will need more EB foundry will use firewood to smelt iron and copper.
pic 1:plantation 1
pic 2: quarry
YEAR 5-7
a couple arrive to build the RH seed and livestock trade posts.the 2 will bring more merchant boats quicker than an Ag or farm post. linen clothes and jade will be stocked.3 wokers arrived in year 6 to work the 2 quarries.
the plantation began fencing themselves in with a flowering hedge.they say the flowers will attract bees for honey. a log bridge was built south of the plantation.
pic 1:trade posts
pic 2:foundry
pic 3: jade quarry
pic 4:plantation 1
YEAR 8-9
23 settlers arrive,16 workers with7 children. they built the school and church.a 2nd forest was planted across the south and herbs are gathered there. the bridge gives us access south of the future city.2 families established th 2nd plantation.they plan to raise beef cows and grain. they will plant newly acquired wheat seeds.1 works the jade quarry and the othwers help the builder and laborers.
pic 1:south bridge forest
pic 2:school and chuch
pic 3: plantation 2
population is 82 in 22 houses.we trade jade,linen clothing,and some copper.there are 2 plantations established. the flower garden plantation makes linen clothing and leather coats. it is half fenced with a flowering hedge. the grain plantation grows 3 fields of wheat and cleared a pasture.they will expand slowly.a stone quarry and 2 mini foresters supply materials.a corner market and wood store move and organize materials and supplies.the tight village has a school,church,post office,and some office buildings.the bannies cut lumber and smelt both iron and copper ores.
goals- a wine plantation and a tobacco plantation are planned. we would like to get those started. the start town needs a tailor and the workers clear more of the land for the city, i should start to zone it with some gravel roads. we will use lots of stone to fence the grain plantation and pasture.that will keep us busy for the next 10 years.
pic1: stats
pic 2: production
pic 3: inventory
pic 4: graph
pic 5: north overview
pic 6: south overview
YEAR 10-12
3 workers and a child arrived in our 11th year.the will build a tobacco plantation beyond the grain plantation. Sherbrooke houses and a barn were built.they raise goats and plant cucumbers.
a merchant brought a CC milk cow that looks like a beef cow. they will be raised by the grain plantation. slowly the bannies work to build a fence around the pasture.
these bannies have tendency to slow down. there are several reasons for this. i’ll try to explain it. age is 1:1 controlled by the Proper time education override mod helps improve production outputs to mostly farming and forest workers. we also have a DS mod that affects happiness and health.this system does not show up to the health and happiness menus. with this setup, the bannies will strike if the church is crowded. sounds simple but there are other affects that are subtle.
i have said before that the bannies have a mind of their own. LUKE programmed much in to accomplish that. this is tweaked by mods. even though much of it is not understood.what you think the bannies should do, they will for no apparent reason do something totally different. as we begin to stretch the map and work farther out from the start village,the bannies slow down. simple solution would be to give them more time to move supplies.i did allow them more time. nomads work faster than villagers. once the nomads have houses and workplaces, work slows down. it is more noticed with the distance and spacing the arrival of nomads out evey few years.
in the case of this map at this time, a lack of storage space added to the slow down. there is a general market and a woodshop to store logs plus several piles.these bannies do not like this layout. the firewood cutter should move logs,cut them,and store firewood in the and then a bannie stocks the shop with logs from the various piles.the vendor works back and forth between stocking the general store and wood shop. items are constantly being moved to prevent barns and piles from being filled. both markets are at about 50% capacity. yet the wood cutter and the vendor wouldn’t move items. even before the main pile was full,the bannies had slowed down on clearing land.
sorry for the long explanation. i have played with the DS mod enough to realize there is no simple answere tols olving this issue with the bannies. it makes the game more challenging. as you fix or solve 1 of the bannies’ issues, they find something else to be unhappy about. the biggest problem is the menu shows full stars.there is no warning that a slow down is going to happen. i think 1 bannie can slow down or go on strike and then that leads to more bannies being unhappy.
another small workpile was added close to the woodcutter and more materials moved for fences.that will help solve this for now.
pic 1:plantation 3
pic 2: fence for plantation 2
I don´t think it´s because of the mods things are slow. It´s simply Banish logistic and that doesn´t have much in common with logic. Only the mods introduce more different goods and the normal Banni instinct is to spread it all over the place, it takes time and sets the productivity down. (unless you have some of these nasty striking bugs but they appear also in vanilla)
I also think that your conclusion that homeless nomads work more efficiently may be right. A normal Banni goes home to eat or get warm, a homeless person (or someone very far from home) goes to the nearest place and that´s normally faster.
YEAR 13-15
to overcome the slowdown, a rural market plaza is stocked in the city center. this will wharehouse supplies. the main pile was enlarged and a pile set across the river.this should keep the bannies happy for a little while.
the 5 settlers that arrived in year 14 have plans for a wine plantation. they settle across the bridges south of the 2nd forest. they plant cherry trees.all these plantations will need more workers and time to grow and expand.
the surveyors report lots of mountains south of the city.they have sent the laborers to clear trees and dig dirt in order to run a road. several bridges will also be needed to cross the streams.the plan is to run a road from the wine plantation north.this road will be west of the city due to the mountains. so the 5th plantation will be across a bridge west of the future city.this will open up more land for more forests and plantations later.
pic 1:rural plaza
pic 2:4th plantation
pic 3:bridge work around the mountains
YEAR 16-19
while the road was being completed and materials moved for more fences,we sent word for more help.only 5 setlers arrived in year 17, 3 workers with 2 children. we do have some graduates as well.
everyone wants something. we need more firewood. the wine plantation needs help with a sheep pasture.the flower plantation needs to build a master house for its children.they also added a beekeeper and dug a pond for some ducks.the grain plantation wants a mill.and the village still needs a tailor shop and doc office. our church is finally crowded. the south forest will build a small church.
pic 1:plantation 1
pic 2: plantation 3
pic 3: plantation 4
pic 4:forest church
pic 5: plantation 2
pic 6: doc office
population of 136 in 32 houses. we traded for more seeds and the CC cows. they have not given any milk yet. they give fertilizer. the pasture is about half full. we did make several adjustments and increased storage to help our food outputs. we will need to improve the food and firewood outputs. we have yet to build a tailor but plantation4 is making wool coats. the town grew enuf to need a 2nd church. a 2nd school will be needed soon.
we now have 4 plantations. #1 the flower plantation produces linen clothing,honey and beeswax, and gives us duck meat, eggs, and down. #2 the grain plantation has the CC cows. it produces flour.#3 the tobacco plantation is growing food until we acquire tobacco seeds. it has some goats. it produces some irob tools and leather coats.
#4 is the wine plantation.they have sheep and make wool coats.they were over cutting the cherry trees which hurt the food outputs. all have been busy getting fences built.
the workers have started to clear land for the city. the rural plaza is storing supplies. we did get some roads started and worked to extend a road thru the city and south to the wine plantation.
goals for the next decade- we need a 2nd school. to supply logs and more firewood, workers will be sent to larger forests in the mountains to the south. plantation #5 is to be a greenhouse will need glass,so we need to layout and start building the city soon. to feed the city ,we may need 2 more plantations. 1 for livestock and 1 to produce veggys and fruit. we need to keep everyone fed until we can get the Thompson Trade posts built to bring in more supplies.hopefully,the trade boats will bring livestock and seeds that we need. they have brought a lot of trade animals and odd seeds.
pic 1:stats
pic 2: production
pic 3: inventory
pic 4: graphs
pic 5-7:overviews
Why don’t you order the seeds and animals you want? It wiöö cost a little more but normally it’s worth more to get them soon.
When I see your food graph, I can understand why you complain about not very efficient workers. At periods with so little food in a relatively spread settlement, many people will just walk around to get a little food here and there to fill their houses. An empty market doesn’t have much use.
But your town looks nice, I hope you succeed to improve the food situation. I want to see more of this.
the bannies have thought about ordering the seeds and some pigs. they have been too busy to worry bout that.
YEAR 20 and 21
a small school was built near the church in the south forest. a large forest was zoned with a KID hunter and gatherer farther south of the wine plantation.the wine plantation added a beekeeper to pollinate the cherry trees.we worked on cutting more logs from the future city and stockpiling supplies and food.
pic 1:far south forest
pic 2: city progress
YEAR 22 and 23
2 couples with 3 children that arrived.they will begin clearing land for the 5th plantation. 2 RK country houses and a fodder hut are built.the stables will supply horses to haul supplies.
we took in 4 Frieshein cows. these are the same as the CC cows we already have, not black and white dairy cows. the CC cows did fill the pasture and produce beef and leather not milk. so now we have another pasture with beef casttle. i’ll have to be more careful when trading for livestock.not sure there is way to tell other than to trade for red dairy cows. the leather will keep a new tailor busy.
4 sheep were brought for the wine plantation.
i did run a check with the Debugger. we have 2 freisian cows. the 1 with a cowhead icon are black and white. the cows icon look like cattle.the other issue with the trade animal mod is the horses never leave the trade post. i am not sure if it happens with all or just certain trade posts.did try to adjust the mod higher in the order.
pic 1:more cows
pic 2: plantation 5
YEAR 24 and 25
2 more couples and 3 children arrive. they will dig a DS sand pit and an RK random mine.a RK glassworks will need the coal to begin making glass.they are the 1st to settle in the city.
with more graduates,things have gotten busy. 1 couple built a boat rental shop and a 2nd fishing pier.the flower plantation built its 2nd master house.the grain plantation planted a blackberry orchard.and 1 couple built a RH chapel west of the city.
pic 1:glass factory
pic 2: RK mine
pic 3:boat rental and 2nd fishing pier
pic 4:church
pic 5: plantation 1
YEAR 26-29
the greenhouse plantation will raise pigs and the horses. it has a pig farmyard.they got their 1st greenhouse built. it grows strawberries.a 6th plantation has been started. they plan to raise more livestock.
the DS mines will need lots of timbers. to supply the logs,the south forest was enlarged. a sawmill works midway back to the city to cut firewood.we built many houses for graduates. as we catch food up,we run low on tools. a blacksmith is built to support the miners.we also built another school on the west side of the city.
pic 1:plantation 5
pic 2:plantation 6
pic 3:south forest
pic 4:blacksmith
pic 5: sawmill
popultion 220 in 52 houses.we have 29 students. the city construction has been started. it produces glass and tools. plantation 5 will add more greenhouses. plantation 6 took the friesian cows from the tobacco is growing oats and grass to feed more livestock.2 large forests to the south increased our supply of logs and leather.we have linen,wool,and hide coats.the new blacksmith and sawmill will catch us up on firewood and tools. we continue producing more and more food.much was used to stock new houses.
goals- while the tools and firewood are caught up, we will add another greenhouse and start work on a 7th plantation. it will help produce fruit and vegetables.then the city will add a group of nomads to work more mines. the city will need to build DS buildings to make the materials for the Thompson Trade posts.
pic 1:stats
pic 2:production
pic 3: inventory
pic 4:graph
pic 5:west overview
pic 6: south overview
YEAR 30 and 31
the grain plantation planted another garden and wheat field.the greenhouse plantaion added a potatoe greenhouse and well.a cowshed was built for the livestock plantation. the sawmill added a 3rd worker and a cart to haul logs with a 4th worker. plantation #7 will plant 2 fields next spring.
pic 1:grain plantation
pic 2: greenhouse plantation
pic 3: livestock plantation
pic 4: plantation #7