Banished Ventures

Brad’s SERIES-Elsberry

  • This topic has 52 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Brad.
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  • 53 Posts - 1050 Views
  • #7338

    YEAR 32 and 33

    we’ll dig a KID RK mine for iron ore.a DS hearth will work beside the blacksmith to begin making pmaterials for the Trade posts.we need lots of wagon parts and iron fittings.the bannies sent word for more help back to the Landing Fort.

    12 settlers came in early summer,10 adults with 2 children.2 couples move to the city.they build a bakery, butcher shop,and a candle shop.the others move to plantations 5,6,and 7. we traded for chickens for the livestock plantation and root seeds for plantation 7.

    pic 1:DS hearth and KID mine
    pic 2:city food processors
    pic 3: plantation 6


    YEAR 34 and 35

    materials are moved for the Thompson Trade post.more land is cleared and a few worker houses built. the livestock plantation added a root field and pig barn. they needed a hill dug out. another greenhouse and pasture was aded to plantation 5. trees are cut for the produce plantation.

    the 1st Thompson trade dock is completed. the bannies have started moving stone and laying out the city roads.

    pic 1:plantation 5
    pic 2: plantation 7
    pic 3: plantation 6
    pic 4: Thompson tp


    YEAR 36 and 37

    we continue moving materials for the Thompson docks. the city roads are being layed. the plantations continue clearing trees and planting more crops fields and gardens or building fences.we had to send more builders. they were quite busy between the trade docks and city roads.we now have 1 for each plantation plus 5 for the city.

    pic 1:trade dock progress
    pic 2:city roads
    pic 3: dock storage
    pic 4:half of the Thompson TP’s completed


    YEAR 38 and 39

    the bannies dug 2 DS mines. 1 for coal and 1 for iron that we are caught up on housing,we took some time for more cleanup. the greenhouse plantation started working on a stone wall.we traded for red dairy cows that were sent to the tobacco plantation.

    pic 1:DS mines
    pic 2:wall for the greenhouse plantation
    pic 3: livestock plantation



    population 326 in 78 houses. we have 165 workers.the city has grown and the Thompson trade dock is about half finished. we have extended the plantations to 7. plantation 5 has 4 greenhouses. #6 has chickens and the odd cows. they also have 2 sheds from KID’s animal plus mod.#7 has 2 apple orchards and 4 crop fields.4 mines have been dug.the city produces candles.

    goals-we will soon need a new school and church. gravel roads outline the city. for now we will build along it. we’ll add more processors as we continue building the trade docks.i do plan to order seeds and livestock over the next decade. i have hopes of doubling the livestock and greenhouse plantations.much of our time will be needed to clear trees for the city.

    pic 1: stats
    pic 2: production
    pic 3: inventory
    pic 4: graph
    pic 5: overview north
    pic 6: overview south


    Nice. It looks like you have better control of the food situation now, well done.


    yes and no ,NILLA. as food increases other supplies run short.then as those are increased,food drops again. this is the circle of Banished.


    YEAR 40 and 41

    we ordered pigs,bison,tobacco,and veggy seeds. all were delivered except the bison. the livestock plantation was fencing a pasture for the bison.the pigs will be raised at the greenhouse we can adjust our trading.

    the city built a tailor to mkae leather coats and a colonial school.a large CC colonial chapel was also constructed. the 6 settlers that arrive will make bricks and more candles.

    pic 1: city tailor
    pic 2: CC colonial chapel
    pic 3:brick maker
    pic 4: CC candle shop


    YEAR 42-44

    the tobacco was planted and a curing barn built to dry it.a blacksmith was built t supply the north DS miners.

    7 settlers arrived just before summer of year 43.they plan to dig a silver mine. for this they build a DS pottery kiln,lime kiln, and RK tile kiln.they have lots of land to clear to run the roads and build in the far northwest corner of the city.

    pic 1:plantation 3
    pic 2:plantation 5
    pic 3: housing
    pic 4:CC brick and RK tile kilns


    YEAR 45-47

    the DS pottery kiln can use charcoal or coke fuel. a coke oven and a DS industry mine are planned. the silver mine needs something for the miners to dig. i can’t remember what it requires. we will build a oil kiln to make lanp oil. a coke oven was finished and a DS industrial mine.more workers have been sent to the mines to bring in ores for tools. we will need to adjust the miners once we have lamp oil for them all to function.

    we will need more logs to support the mines.2 more forests are zoned. 1 north of the city and another to the southeast.this is part of the circle of Banished. as we concentrate on increasing food,logs run low. then we bring up logs and another supply runs low.etc.

    there are several reasons that cause this dilema. the more producers and DS mines,the more logs we use. as we open more land for the city,those logs are cut. this is ashort term gain. once those trees are cut,where do we get logs? with the logs running low, blacksmiths take longer to make tools. it is a downward spiral.

    with these city maps, trading becomes more important. it does not work well with my mod orders. the more mods installed,the more items there are. trade boats run a higher chance of bringing items that you do not need. in the case of this map,the building supply Thompson trade post brings many RK items such as armor and weapons. hence, it brings those instead of logs that we need. the game’s way of prioritizing what the tp’s stock is also troublesome. the order in which the items are stocked is not does seem to be partly related to the mod order. the trade posts have a tendency to understock an item that is abundant and stock 1 that is in less supply.hence,the TP is not stocked well when boats arrive.

    i’ll try to give a hypothetical example to explain that. let’s say item 1 is A,item 2 is B,etc. the trade post might load items 5,8,1,2,3. there may be thousands of item 3 and only of 300 item 5. instead of fully stocking item 3,the workers search out the items above it. when the boat arrives, you have less value to trade out with than expected. this applies to the boats as well, as they will have odd items instead or more often than what you need.

    pic 1: DS pottery kiln
    pic 2:plantation 7
    pic 3:DS mine, coke furnace,and lime factory
    pic 4:north forest
    pic 5: south forest


    YEAR 48 and 49

    we need to adjust trading and the miners. we have broccoli,cucumbers,mushroom,potatoes,root,sugar beet,squash,tomatoes,turnip,veggy, apple,blackberry,cherry,maple,peach, strawberry, oats,wheat, cotton,and tobacco seeds, we have aquired pigs,1milk cow,cattle,chickens,and some bison, as well as the trade i have the greenhouses and KID’s animal plus and farmyards.the seed trade post can be shut down. the livestock trader will stock trade horses to take in more milk cows.since the trade horses don’t leave the trade post, those will be dcropped down to 10 breeding horses.the protein Thompson trade post stocks textiles and linen and pelt clothing. the veggy tp stocks trade horses and feathers.the building supplier stocks candles ,lumber,and seedlings.the fuel tp moves pipe tobacco and jade.the main Thompson tp stocks flowers,mountain oysters,and some furs.

    the RK random mine has 6 workers.the KID iron ore is maxed at 4.there are 4 at both the DS coal and iron ore mines. the industrial mine digs coal with 5 workers.the silver mine has 3.pottery is made from the sand. brick and roof tiles is made from the clay.coal is made into coke and then to furnace fuel.we also use coal to make the glass and steel tools.a DS claypit will increase the amount of clay.

    we have so much fertilizer, that the greenhouse plantation expanded to 8 greenhouses.a 2nd sawmill works near the far south forest to cut lumber for the DS mines. 2 more fishing piers work the main river.

    pic 1:plantation 5
    pic 2:south sawmill
    pic 3:plantation 3
    pic 4: south fishing pier



    population 497 in 116 houses. it has been a busy 10 years.we cut trees and cleared lots of rocks.2 more forests had to be zoned.we now produce bricks,roof tiles,pottery,lime,and lamp oil. a DS silver and industrial mines were dug. we traded for livestock and seeds.the tobacco plantation has a dryer to make pipe tobacco and milk cows. the domestic bison are textured as KID’s wild bison.i’ll have to play with the livestock trade mod in the mod order again. we doubled to 8 greenhouses and the produce plantation has more orchards and veggy fields.

    we continue expanding and improving our trading to bring in more food. the situation is not as bad as it looks. we have almost twice the food listed.10,000+ flour and 4000+ veggys are held.the 8 greenhouses use almost as much fertilizer as the animals produce.we also need more tools and logs.

    goals-there is talk amongst the bannies of adding another plantation and more forests. now that we produce more items,we can expand the Thompson Trade dock. i would like to complete that set over the next decade. the city should grow a lot as long as we can keep everyone fed.if we can improve the balance,it won’t be as hectic and we will see some faster progress.

    pic 1: stats
    pic 2: production
    pic 3: inventory
    pic 4: graph
    pic 5,6,7: plantations 5,6,and 7
    pic 8: city north
    pic 9: city south


    Why don’t you use all the flowers you have in your stores to produce perfume? It’s a bit complicated; you need glassware and water as well as the flowers but it’s pretty profitable. Or doesn’t the light version of RKEd have perfume production? In that case, I would sell away the flowers, they’ll just take space away from your stores.


    we are trading flowers away.i will have to look to see if perfume is added. i think it is, but don’t use it very often.all our water is supplying greenhouses.


    YEAR 50 and 51

    a worker stocks the Nordic wharehouse. 1 moves fertilzer to the greenhouses. several carts haul flowers,textiles and other materials to the trade docks. a garden sorter helps sort veggies that get brought to the city market.a feed store moves thatch from the docks to the livestock plantation.

    a village is built near the south sawmill. a RH blacksmith,church,and school will serve the forest workers.

    we use stone from this year for the year we’ll build the greenhouse plantation year 52,we will start construction of more Thompson trade docks.

    pic 1:sawmill village
    pic 2:feed store
    pic 3:greenhouse plantation
    pic 4:supply carts


    YEAR 52 and 53

    the tobacco plantation hired more workers. they grow enough tobacco for a 2nd dryer barn.while the Thompson docks are expanded,more houses and some markets are completed. 1 to the sawmill village,1 west of the city,and 1 to the DS production area. we built more storage for the trade posts. that should improve the movement of goods in and out of the posts.

    pic 1:tobacco plantation
    pic 2: sawmill village
    pic 3:west market
    pic 4:Thompson trade docks
    pic 5: dock storage
    pic 6: north market

    Tom Sawyer

    Where are these trading docks from, Brad? Looks pretty good and maybe to make them working in the north as well, if in a small separate mod. I bet it’s a DS one but never seen before.


    It’s DS Thompson Trade Merchants. Seems to work fine on the north as far as I tested.


    hey, glad to see there are people in here. yes they are DS Thompson trade posts. comes with all the trade posts and deco dock pieces to fill in between and decorate with.

    i wish i had added TOM’s barns. they would have looked so good with the plantations and city.


    YEAR 54 and 55

    the bannies want to make furniture. to conserve logs, they plant a hardwood forest north of the produce has a hunter,herbalist,gatherer,and an abbey. they will also have a tiny school.the other north forest has a RK wood chapel.this will give the city time to catch up on stone.

    pic 1:hardwood forest
    pic 2: RK wood chapel

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