Banished Ventures


  • This topic has 144 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Brad.
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  • 145 Posts - 2013 Views
  • #6777

    Brad, your goal to accept all those nomads every year sounds like a major struggle to keep them all fed and supplied.

    I have had that problem in other games when the nomads are across a river and I don’t have a bridge. They died before I could get a bridge built. After that, I just do like you did, and debug one in.

    I love Kid’s houses disguised as various stores.

    What is the “safetyhole” mod?


    the “safety hole” mod has a different name now i believe. i found it at NEXUS. that mod trains the bannies to be careful. decreases deaths with mining mainly but does seem to lower other deaths as well.

    i’ll add this note- with my mod orders, i have noticed some issues with the happiness systems.i don’t think it is just the safety mod but a combination of several that causes the issues.hearts and stars do not show how the bannies are as well. these might show the bannies are fine and yet the bannies can strike or slow down work.if i build churches and they become crowded,the bannies go on long as the churches aren’t full,the bannies work fine.

    this map doesn’t have a North or the DS IND mod with the happiness system.


    YEAR 4

    it may look slow but the bannies have been busy since day 1.normally, i’d build some workplaces and take time to clear land before nomads arrived.knowing they were coming sooner and steadier,we needed that forest built early.still, i have had to rotate an extra builder or 2 to speed construction.

    just as the next another couple arrive in mid-summer, an RK blacksmith is completed.this blacksmith can smelt iron from the iron ore. however, there is amod order issue.this is 1 of those 3 way conflicts mention now and then. this smith is affected by the blacksmith tool mod. that mod has to be moved in the mod order when using the DS INDUSTRY mod. since that mod is not installed,the blacksmith tool mod is out of place. this also limits the tools the RK blacksmith can make.for this map, we will need to find another way to acquire iron.for now the smith will make rough iron ore tools.

    the 3rd nomad couple will work the blacksmith and a nearby we can stockpile supplies for more nomads. as the original children become teenagers, we build a house near the forest.

    pic 1: RK blacksmith,will not smelt iron with this mod order.
    pic 2: tailor shop and the 1 house that is a house in the village.


    YEAR 5

    we work to double our food storage and add a trade good. we will make linen clothing from flax to trade.the next couple builds a “candle shop”house from last years Christmas mod. it is a residence and will not produce candles itself.they move supplies to the trade post and a newly built market.

    pic 1: doubled food storage
    pic 2: flax garden to make linen clothes
    pic 3:candle house
    pic 4: market


    YEAR 6

    the nomad couple this year will build a doctor office and live in a post office. a cemetary is zoned behind the doc’s far only 1 of the 5 nomad groups lives in a house. the others are in “shop houses”.

    the original bannies add another house and send the young worker to fishing.the pace is better now than the 1st few years. with the extra laborers,we were able to get more done.the plan is working well for now.soon, we will need to increase the food production.

    pic 1:Doc office
    pic 2:fish pier
    pic 3: cemetary


    YEAR 7

    the trade district will grow over more goods are produced to trade, more trading posts can be built.more trade posts will increase the number of merchant boats that arrive each year.with those ,more storage will also be needed.for now, the builders are laying out the roads.

    this nomad couple will build a cottage farm closer to the DS nomad bridge.they broght some chickens with them and some seeds to plant 2 farmyards.1 to increase our oat outputs and the other to give potatoes along with some carrots,sweat potatoes,and corn as well as the chesnuts and berries that they planted near.

    the plan is to zone a production area south of this farm area between the lake and river.this would get us some iron and more trade goods.

    pic 1:cottage farm
    pic 2: EB cellar
    pic 3: annother plantation house


    The first picture looks so nice, with the lighting and plants and trees. What mod is that house from?


    the cottages are from KID’s ghost town mod.


    YEAR 8

    this couple will map the area and make map books.they also build a CC parish church. we have to pick and choose what to build to save our iron.a playground is set for the children. soon a school will be built beside it.that will be needed before we can work on our iron.this little village is certainly turning into a nice town.

    pic 1:shop house and church
    pic 2: park


    YEAR 9

    we need 1 more house for the original starting children before the school is built.they have been pairing up well.this nomad couple will run the barbershop and be our teacher.the teen is sent to help the forester cut more logs.this has to be timed right. the house has to be completed as the male turns 10 and the school can not open til late in the 10th year after the last girl turns 10.

    even thou we timed the house construction,a female moved in. the start bannies should still pair up. will wait for the younger start children to age up before enabling the school.

    pic 1:barber shop
    pic 2: school



    population 56,33 adults and 23 children. we have 3 times the workers we started with. 7 of the 8 original children have become workers. there is 1 more that will soon turn 10 and help.the 4 plantation houses for those bannies were built. we took all 8 nomad couples, year 2-9. our food production has done well.firewood output has fallen, but should increase now that we have another worker cutting trees.much of the thatch has died off. the town has 1 actual house all others are shop houses.all nomad couples except the cottage have housing for 5 bannies. most of the plantation houses hold 4 bannies.

    we have plenty of storage now. the trading post is stocked but has not made any trades yet. i’ll explain that more in the future. we have 1 functioning market to keep the town supplied.we did build several city services including a school.there is room for a townhall near the cemetary but i did not build 1.i am not sure if all of KIDD’s townhalls will bring nomads.if it did bring more nomads, we just wouldn’t except them. with a coffeehouse,barber,maps, candles,and other offices, the bannies can entertain themselves quite well.

    as NILLA found, the 1st few years were busy. we needed more workers to clear land and stock construction materials.then it smoothed out and we used the time to increase storage space.

    we had 1 mod order issue that limits the iron smelting by the blacksmith. hence,we were careful to conserve the iron.the plan is to zone a production area south of the cottage farm between the lake and main the east, forests will plant south of the lake and then along the map edge.this should keep us supplied with logs.this trade town will expand as ore goods are produced.east of the lake, a farm town will be built later.

    goal- for the next decade,we won’t have to build housing for the citizens.we should have 10 couples arrive and many babies born.after this decade the size of the nomad groups should increase. a mountain to mine is a ways to the south,so it will take several years to build toward it.hopefully,we can get a 2nd trade post built and trade for some seeds that will be needed later.

    pic 1: stats
    pic 2: production
    pic 3: inventory
    pic 4:population graph
    pic 5: firewood graph
    pic 6: overview


    YEAR 10

    with this many mods trading has some issues. there are many items. as you see from the inventory, we have a litle of this and that. some pelts,some furs,copper ore,etc but not enough to trade have any value at the trading post ,we are making linene clothing and slowly stockpiling them. merchant boats come by about every year,but they bring a mixture of goods too.with the RKEC, the boats bring me a lot of tropical fruit seeds.they won’t grow well with the climate. the CC trade animal mod will bring horses. however, it causes the merchants to bring all other trade animals as well.this lessens the chance of getting both the seeds we want and livestock.

    i also limit the intake. this is 1 reason auto trading won’t work. i take food in that we grow or plan to produce or process.this works to save adding more items to the town inventory.if you want some building material, the merchants are apt to bring very few of those items when they do arrive, such as CC building materials. i very seldom will order anything specifically.generally ,i do not trade out what the bannies need. firewood,logs,food,and tools are all kept.

    there are a couple ways to deal with this cumbersome trading. 1 of the easiest is to build more trade posts.this increases the merchant boats and therefore increases the odds of getting something we need or want.we can also build specialized trade posts such as the farm trade post from CC or KIDD’s RH set.

    the teacher started work as soon as the last original child turned 10.the nomad couple will work as laborers to help clear land.we don’t need more food at the is a long ways south to the mountain.

    a merchant did bring potato seeds. we quickly took those in. they will be planted instead of the strawberries next year.

    pic 1:trade district from the lake
    pic 2: nomad colonial


    YEAR 11

    construction begins on a RK foundry to process the will go between the last nomad house and the mountain.we will need to make some charcoal and use almost half our iron for the construction.the foundry can process copper as well for trading. to help our wood cutter, a young worker was sent to stock logs at the wood store.

    for no known reason, no nomads arrived at all this year.only thing we did different was send a worker to the woodshop. the workers used the time to clear land for an industrial market that will help move materials from the mining closer to town.
    we traded for 200 wheat.

    pic 1: charcoal
    pic 2: production site progress
    pic 3: no nomads


    YEAR 12

    the nomad pair arrivd in spring.they were stuck between the rivers to the east. a CC plank bridge was debug added to get them to town. they will build to the west and run the foundry.a sawmill was built nearby to catch up the firewood and to cut lumber.

    once the iron is replaced,the foundry will switch to processing copper that will be sent to the trade post.

    pic 1:RK foundry
    pic 2:sawmill
    pic 3: industry market plaza


    I had that in one of my nomad games, too that one year no nomads arrive. But only in one game. It was the RKEd I think. It looked like they came later each year and one year not at all. It was pretty early and after that everything worked again. Maybe some random things that went wrong. Anyway, your town looks nice.


    YEAR 13

    we expand the cottage farm.this nomad couple will work 2 fields. strawberries and potatoes will be planted here. the lumber is covered.a few benches and some trees decorate the industrial plaza. that is an old 1/06 mod but does a real good job of moving materials. it will need a food cart later as the plaza doesn’t stock food.

    there is a drawback to the farmyards. as they hit a limit,they shut down and stop producing food.not only do they stop work,but other shops will stop as the blacksmith and tailor are not as helpful as laborers. i can’t set the limit down on tools so the smith helps the laborers without giving up some food production. same thing applies to wood cutters and can shut dwn the other workshops and try to set the limit just above what the farmyards will produce.that works well early in maps but harder to maintain later.

    once the sawmill caught the wood cutter up, it switched to cutting lumber. we now use logs faster than the bannies are cutting trees.

    pic 1:cottage farms
    pic 2:new benches and covered piles near the plaza


    YEAR 14

    we have to justify this long distance move toward the mine to use this space,more production needs built than was originally planned. we will start with glass. an RK sandpit will work the edge of the lake. these processors will use more iron so the foundry is switched back from the copper to increase our logs, there is enough room for a mini forester near the industrial plaza.

    we record our 1st death in the fall. a laborer had a weak heart. it was 1 of the original settler ladies.she died shortly after giving birth

    pic 1:mine mountain, long way to get there
    pic 2: sand pit and mini forest radius
    pic 3: nomad colonial
    pic 4: 1st death


    YEAR 15

    during the winter, the builders finsihed work on a RK glass maker. it will need fuel. since we don’t want to use the firewood, it will wait for a mine to dig coal.

    our outputs are decent,but we still want to increase the food. well that was the plan anyhow. this set never arrived.for the 2nd time, we have a year with no nomads.this did give the bannies time to cut trees and bring the log count up.

    we turned down a trade offer for longhorn cows.

    pic: glass works


    YEAR 16

    since the nomads failed to arrive and we need more logs, we will make some changes to the plan. a forest will plant across the main river to the west. the nomad couple will build a CC cabin. 1 will gather food while the other cuts logs. the sawmill stopped cutting lumber temporarily.

    pic 1: forest



    this nomad couple builds another CC cabin and works the forest. 1 will hunt and the other help the forester.

    i had been trying to increase the logs to build a paper mill.the paper mill needs to be on a small stream not the main river. we will need the logs anyhow.the bannies cleared more copper and iron ores. a townhall was built. we won’t accept any nomads from it if any arrive.

    it is a good idea to keep old mods in an extra folder. i thik most of us have learned to do that. as mods are upgraded,you may prefer the older version. keeping the older files gives you that option. the tiny mod was upgraded.this gave it huge texture changes and a few new buildings. however,the forester no longer has storage capability. the mod is also over 4 times as large. to me, the gain isn’t enough to pay for the amount of memory used. i’ll drop this mod back to the older version after this map.

    we trade for 400 carrots and squash seed.

    pic 1:forest cabin
    pic 2: townhall

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