Banished Ventures


  • This topic has 144 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Brad.
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  • 145 Posts - 2013 Views
  • #6867

    YEAR 18

    an RK random mine is dug into the mountain. this will supply iron ore and coal.the nomad couple will both work the the bannnies will spend less time collecting minerals.

    we took 560 cranberries in trade.

    pic: RK random mine


    Do you plan to use gold/silver/gems from the mine or just trade it away?

    I also keep a number of old mods. It’s fun that you mention Kid’s tiny mod. I think that’s the only older mod I’ve ever used.


    the gold and silver will just be stored. there are a few items like those that we get a little bit of but not enuf to do much with.


    YEAR 19

    our school is full. an RK school was built for the production area along with a mayor’s office. this nomad couple will work at the glass factory and the school. 2 children did miss out on going to school.we did have our 1st graduates also.

    the bannies worked thru the winter to build a farm trading post.this will bring both seeds and livestock.

    pic 1:mayor’s office
    pic 2: farm trade post



    population105,with 18 students,in 25 houses.we took 8 more nomad couples. they failed to arrive twice in the last 10 years.we had 1 death.the recent graduates will need houses soon.

    food production is stable.the bannies have worked to collect materials, but we used them just as fast. the mine should help. the sawmill helps cut firewood and lumber for trading.we smelt iron and copper.the sand will soon be made into glass. our 2nd forest helps supply more leather and maintain the log took some time to get the production area built,but i do thik it will payoff.

    we are behind a few years on graduating students. the distance from the start plantation houses to the school ment those children stayed in school longer. the 1st nomad couple that arrived in year 2 had their 1st child in year it will be year 36 that these children start graduating their children.

    goal-we will need a 4th and a 5th forest to supply more logs. with students graduating, things are going to get busier. from here, on i will try to keep 1 house for every 2 adult bannies. we will trade for seeds and livestock and start the farms to the east. our plan is to stockpile food during this decade and process it after year 30.

    pic 1:stats
    pic 2: production
    pic 3: inventory
    pic 4: graphs
    pic 5:overview north of the production area with the forest west of the bridge
    pic 6: overview south production area


    YEAR 20

    the linen clothes are moved to the farm trade post.the small trader will stock seedlings with the lumber and copper.a holding pen was fenced. 1 of the graduate couples build a home good shop-house and will work the trade post.

    this nomad couple will work at the mine to bring in more coal for the glass maker.

    we log our 2nd death, a forester. we traded for 480 potatoes.

    pic 1:holding pen
    pic 2:nomad couple’s house


    YEAR 21

    to balance storage at the trade district,an EB material market was built. this will store the processed 1.07 items such as glass and lumber.

    this couple are farmers. they will start planting and building the farms to the east.not sure how this will look. the plan is to build a huge DS Gatherer barn and plant fields around it. we’ll see how it looks ringed with KID colonial houses and farmyards.the new couple will plant squash and raise the bees to pollinate the crops.

    the pair of graduates extends the forest along the lake.they built a KID tiny forester.only 1 of them can work there. the other will have to help haul logs and other supplies.

    we have a blank tag in the appreas to be a food item with no label.

    pic 1:blank tag
    pic 2:4th forest
    pic 3: huge gatherer barn and nomad house


    YEAR 22

    the couple that graduated during the winter will help in the forest to the west.thry’ll build a CC cabin and work to move supplies for the foresters. now it gets tricky. we need to build houses in between nomad groups, but make sure the nomads move into the right that we have extra workers,the 2 markets at the trade district can begin moving supplies from the forests,mine,and production area.

    this nomad couple will add to the colonial farms. they’ll plant farmyard 2 and potatoes.

    nomads arrived before this cabin was completed. before the nomad house was finished,more bannies graduated.

    the small trade post brought in 500 oat cookies. the farm trade post traded everything it had for 4 red milk cows.

    pic 1:farms
    pic 2: nomad house


    YEAR 23

    the newly graduated couple built an older plantation house in the KID forest and will hunt and gather food there.soon as the farmers step onto thier fields, the laborers begin clearing a 20×20 pasture for the dairy cows.this pair of nomads will grow hay and tend to the cows.

    we have more graduates. 1 couple runs a bait shop and fish the lake. another moves to the production area and will run the industry market and a food cart. we did work thru the winter but finished construction all projects before the snow melted.

    we had our 3rd death due to a cave in at the mine.

    pic 1:forest hunter and gatherer
    pic 2:nomad house
    pic 3:dairy pasture
    pic 4: bait shop house


    YEAR 24

    we stock leather coats at the small trader,just in case a merchant brings seeds.a furrier hut is built to process pelts.this nomad couple will plant strawberries and make fur coats. we’ll have more coats to trade with.

    we lost another forester by a fallen tree.our 4th death.

    pic 1:pelt tailor
    pic 2: fur tailor
    pic 3: nomad house


    YEAR 25

    the graduating couple will increase our builder count to 3. they build a cobbler shop house. the next couple will help move food for the production workers. the CC food wagon is storing everything not just food. as the vendor is moving everything,he moved food slower.a mini market table will solve this problem.the couple also grow cranberries near the lake shore.

    no nomads arrived.

    we trade glass and a few flowers for 500 squash and 500 corn. a merchant talked the bannies into taking a trade horse.they felt sorry for the horse being by itself.this horse supposedly is pregnant. this horse is waundering around town but will not go to a pasture.i have no idea why. the trade animal mod is higher than the RK and above all other livestock is showing in the inventory, so must have stored like a domestic animal instead of going to a pasture. i have used this mod before. usually the horses get stuck trying to leave the trade which case, i can add some deco horses to an empty pasture field.the horses would multiply and trade without any other issues.this issue quite strange.this 1 never did show at the trading post except in the inventory.

    pic 1:cobbler shop house
    pic 2: cranberry bog and food market


    YEAR 26

    this nomad couple will start building a town,build a church and upgrade to RK country houses.our graduates build a lighthouse.they think it will help more merchants find their way to the trade posts. while they watch for boats,they will fish the north has slowed due to the long distance between the towns.we’ll increase to 5 builders with the next graduates.

    we trade leather coats for corn seed and mulberries.

    pic 1:colonial church and RK house
    pic 2:fish pier
    pic 3:lighthouse


    YEAR 27

    2 potato fields are switched to planting corn. the graduate builders will build a bank shop house near the lake.another couple build a small chapel and blacksmith.they will suply tools for the production town.

    a family of 3 nomads arrived.they move to the east farms and will plant farmyard #6 near an apple tree to increase our oats. the laborers cleared and plowed fields all around the huge Gatherer barn.

    we had 4 more bannies graduate. 1 couple will expand our trading. a general main trade post and an RH building material trading post are constructed. the other will work at the mine to increase the coal and ores.

    i had a crash. even with RED’s trade post and townhall patches,the main trade post caused a crash when clicked on before construction was completed.the debug mod was upgraded. that is the only change high enough in the mod order to have caused an issue,even thou it shows no conflicts.
    this is the 2nd issue so far.

    we trade for 500 logs and 500 game. the building material trade post stocks warm fur coats,copper,and beeswax.the main trade post stocks seedlings and some flowers.

    pic 1:bank house
    pic 2:production town
    pic 3:farms
    pic 4:more trade posts
    pic 5:miners


    YEAR 28

    this nomad family of 3 will move to the farms.the bannies worked to add more to the colonial town center.a market and meeting hall were built.
    all the farm fields will be planted next year.

    the 4 graduates decided to increase our trading goods. 1 couple will use clay to make bricks and roof tiles. the other will trap furs and pelts from the forests.

    we trade copper for more ore, thatch, and 350 logs at the building supply trade post. the small trade post brought in 1000 squash and 500 mushrooms.

    a builder fell off a ladder. the doc was unable to save him.

    pic 1:colonial town center
    pic 2: brick production
    pic 3: trapper


    YEAR 29

    we will build a RK college. now is a good time to build the biggest school we can find.we also will clear up some regrowth and lots of rocks. this nomad family of 3 will build near the farms. the lady will be our teacher.they also tend to bees that poliinate the crops.since we needed 3 teachers at the college,the graduates build near the colonial town center to help as builders and laborers.

    we trade for veggy seeds and some coal.more thatch and copper ores were exchanged for fur coats. 2 fields near the gatherer barn will plant the veggy’s next year.

    pic 1:teacher’s house
    pic 2: RK college
    pic 3: builder’s house



    population 194,increase of 89 with 4 deaths. took 6 couples and 3 families of 3 nomads. they did not arrive year 25. there are 50 houses.we added 1 forest.we built 2 more trade posts.they helped bring more logs. we also gained red dairy cows and corn and veggy seeds. we also took in a trade horse that wouldn’t move to a pasture. we had 1 other mod order issue that caused a crash with the trade post.

    food production is stable and the farm area grew into a colonial town.we increased trading goods and sent more miners to bring in more coal and ores.there is some micro-managing to the sawmill. it switches between firewood and lumber.the tailor and blacksmith often helped the laborers for many years. 3 churches and 3 schools will keep the bannies happy and educated.

    the markets are helping to keep the trade posts stocked.none of the large storage barns are full but the bannies have filled many of the sheds. the bannies do like to use the smaller sheds more than the larger barns.we may need to send more workers later to help move stocks for the trading posts.i do think the better they are at moving goods in and out of the trade district the longer this map can go.

    the 1st children born here graduated and built a home in year 20. their child is now 8 and should start schooling next the time they graduate,build homes,and have children, we should be at year then the population with nomads incoming should more than double.hopefully,the bannies can work to clear land and start building before nomads arrive.then use the fall to build houses for more graduates. the builders can work thru winter into early spring and the farmers will still have time to get on their fields.

    next goals- overall they have worked the plan well.we are ahead on moving items and have plenty of space in the churches and schools.they will need another mine to keep up on tools and another forest to increase log outputs.we still want more seeds. i’d like to have oats or wheat as well as an orchard crop.we’d also like some pigs.

    the plan is to extend the livestock pastures to the east toward the small stream. another large field area is planned south of the college.along the way, i’d like to add some taverns and start some food processing.

    pic 1: stats
    pic 2: production
    pic 3: inventory
    pic 4: graphs
    pic 5:trade post stocks
    pic 6: overview production district
    pic 7: overview trade district
    pic 8: overview farm area


    YEAR 30

    the family of 3 nomads will move dig a KID mine to bring in more coal.our graduate couple build a plantation house near the 4th forest and will help as laborers.

    we trade for 250 carrots and 400 firewood.a merchant also brought more coal and iron ore.we gained sugarbeet seeds. the building material trade post will stock glass. warm coats are sent to the main vanilla trade post.

    pic 1:coal mine
    pic 2: grad house


    YEAR 31

    a family of 4 nomads arrive.this family will build a 2nd glass works.the RK glass works only employs 1 worker.a 2nd will help use up the excess sand. our graduates added a Pilgrim’s Rest tavern to the trade district.they plant the root seeds nearby and will offer rootbeer.

    as expected the oldest grandchild starts school this year.she should graduate in year 37.

    we trade for logs and firewood at the building supply trade post and root seeds and bluebrries at the small trade post.the main trader took in some firewood and a bit of iron. the farm trade post put out an order for oat seeds.
    a mine cave in claimed the life of another bannie.

    pic 1:glass factory
    pic 2:tavern


    YEAR 32

    another nomad coupple with 2 children.they will tend to pregnant dair the new cow shed,they will feed them thatch and raise the calves.
    they begin clearing and fencing more pastures.the bannies extended the holding pen and added a stables shop house along with a pig pen that they will feed roots to.this will be a good spot to keep horses.

    we trade for 300 honey,500 logs,200 copper ore,and some apples.the building supply trade post brought in more thatch and firewood.
    the seed merchant wanted way more than we had in the trade post for the oat seeds. that order was cancelled. we had a lady die during childbirth.

    pic 1: cowshed
    pic 2:stable house and pig pen


    YEAR 33

    work began on a forester before the nomad family of 4 arrived.this will be an RK forester and employ 2 workers.2 workers were sent to help stock the trading posts.we built more storage.

    we lost a gatherer who found some poisoned berries.the trade posts brought in thatch and firewood.we also gained 5 pigs.we finally acquired oat seeds.
    an outbreak of dysentery began in late winter.

    pic 1:forest
    pic 2:pigs
    pic 3:deco horses

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