Banished Ventures

Crash on exit North 712

  • This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by RamiSusi.
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  • 7 Posts - 337 Views
  • #6215

    I have a strange one… Game runs fine, until I try to exit my game/village; then I get a fatal error message, and my game becomes Schrödinger’s game: It is closed, there is no reference to it in my Task Manager, but Steam thinks the game is still running, yet can’t close it; and thus I can not re-open the game until I kill and re-open Steam. ::EDIT tried to upload dump file here, but it was rejected for security ::

    Happens both if I quit right away (bad starting location) or if I play for 3 hours.

    No problems with North 7 mod disabled in-game, only with it active. Same issue if North is the only active mod or with my others (Yandersen’s Improved *harvesting building* mods, and Stone Bridge from MrFlopsie.)

    I haven’t played Banished in a few months, so I don’t know when exactly it started being a problem.

    Thanks for the great mod!


    Crash text. That explains the Schrödinger’s Steam


    Same on GOG version; also makes GOG go Schrödinger until force-killed

    Tom Sawyer

    Hi and welcome!

    These crashes on exit or auto-saving are usually caused by a not fully cleaned up game after disabling mods. To avoid it, you should always exit and restart Banished when you made changes to your mod list and then start a new map. I hope that helps here too because you don’t seem to have other mods disabled.

    The tweaks by Yandersen you don’t need in the North. They don’t have an effect here since vanilla objects are replaced. The Nordic hunting and gatherer buildings have storage.

    Let me know if it still crashes.



    For clarification, my GOG install is only your mod.

    Good to know about Yandersen’s mods, since I couldn’t get them without Steam. >_<

    I’ll try to do that and see if it works. Thanks.

    Tom Sawyer

    You can copy mods from Steam to your GOG version. Steam downloads pkm files to Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Banished\Windata.


    Oh, that DID fix my issue, at least on the GOG version with manual install of your mod.

    Thanks again. o7 o/

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