Banished Ventures

Crash when saving with 7.1.3

  • This topic has 9 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Tom Sawyer.
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  • #7060

    I’ve been having a lot of crashes when I try to save the game with 7.1.3.

    I have only a few buildings made (2 Goahtis, 1 Log Shed, 1 Storehouse, and Thingstead). There doesn’t seem to be any consistent pattern to what I’m doing at the time. Sometimes I can get much further in the game with iron production underway, but sometimes it happens very early on like I mentioned above.

    Sometimes it happens when trying to load a saved game too.

    Wish I had more specific info, but that’s all I’ve got for now. Using North 7.1.3, Stone Tools, and Ironman.


    I’ve played the version without issues. Have you tried to download and reload the mod a second time? Maybe something happened and it wasn’t downloaded right. (I had that once with another mod that didn’t work properly).

    I’ve never used the stone tool mod but can’t imagine that it can cause trouble. But maybe disable that and ironman to see what will happen.


    I’ve tried redownloading the mods and even reinstalled Banished. Restarted my PC as well for good measure. Still getting crashes when I save or load the game. It doesn’t happen every single time I save or load though; I would say it’s roughly 1 in every 8 times. Windows and gfx card updates are current.

    Disabling Stone Tools and Ironman doesn’t seem to have changed anything.

    It happened just now when I tried to save a brand new map. I hit pause on a Seafarer map with nothing built or collected yet, tried to save, and it crashed.

    I’ve attached a screenshot of the error message. Tom – if you want I can email you my crash.dmp file too.


    Weird. It looks like you use the Steam version of the mod. Did you download it from Steam or from this page? I have my version from here. Maybe the Steam version is somehow corrupted. But unlikely because many people use Steam and it should have been reported before.

    Tom Sawyer

    Maybe the crash happens due to a conflict between the manually downloaded 7.1.3 vs the by Steam then automatically downgraded 7.1.2. Both versions are not save compatible to eachother and I have not updated the mod on Steam yet (because of this).

    You can try unsubscribing on Steam and using the 7.1.3 from website without Steam interactions. I hope that solves it for now. I have to make a decision about mods on Steam in general.


    I’m not actually subscribed to any mods on Steam. I’m only using the North 7.1.3, Stone Tools, and Ironman downloaded from your website.

    Tom Sawyer

    Then that wasn’t the reason.^^

    I can only think of such a crash that happens after changing mods without a complete restart. You can send me your save via email. Maybe I can find out a thing.


    what build # of banished do you have? you are upgraded to the latest 1.07?


    I have Banished version 1.0.7 – Build 170910. Downloaded from Steam.

    Tom Sawyer

    Did you try this clean up..?

    Start Banished – activate mods – exit Banished – restart Banished – start a new map – save game. should work without a crash.

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