Banished Ventures

Just some ideas

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Brad.
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  • #9099

    Here it is a bunch of things that I think could improve the overall game, in my humble opinion. Some I’ll try to mod it myself, but as I’m quite new to this I don’t expect it to work so soon. Others would alter the game in such a way I just can hope for a 2.0 version of this gem… But, here it goes:
    – DON’T STOP! OH! CAN’T STOP!: Production buildings could have a checkbox to allow workers to use the most available resources to produce. I mean, if you hire a brewer to make ale of wheat, but there’s none, it could use barley, berries, etc, in order to keep production going, in a sort of priority list of each building (mills, distillerys and etc).
    – HORSES! YEEE-HAA!: I was thinking in a kind of road that demands horses to be built, and would improve drastically travel speed, or introduce a new building that would produce chariots, and having them in stock would improve travel speed in general. Or, still, a building that, in the presence of horses/chariots would improve travel speed in a given radius, idk, but we NEED horses.
    – BETTER HILL PLACEMENT and VARIABLE CROP/PASTURE SHAPE: Crops and pastures could mold accordingly to the terrain or roads, assuming different shapes based on the available amount of soil, and buildings/roads definitely could be a little more flexible over terrain accidents.
    – REORDERABLE LIST OF ORDERS, instead of just “increase priority”
    – SPECIALIZED PROFESSIONS AND TOOLS: I always thought it’s a little strange a peasant became a doctor with a click of a button. Some professions could demand a “Highly educated” citizen to became available, and they would consume a little more resources, or would require special kinds of houses, so one would have to balance the offer and demand of specialized laborers.
    – HOT KEYS: I mean, I miss good old Age of Empires, when a Ctrl + S would roullet all stables, Ctrl + B the barracks and so go on. It would be nice have this to find that hunting cabin lost in the woods quickly.


    it is very doubtful we will get any more updates let alone a 2.o version. there are a few games that are similar or copies. none have our great modders, who made Banished what it is today.

    let me go thru your list.

    having a production building use the more plentiful item is not possible. the workaround for players is to build several workplaces and set them to use a different ingrediant. such as a brewer to use wheat and another for apples, barley, pears, etc. this way, the ale is still produced even when low on 1 particular item. be aware that different mods use different amounts and will produce less/more outputs.

    there are mods for horses. horses can be used for food with CC mods. there are deco mods as well. vendors can “use horses” visually, but has no affect to their speed. however there are other mods that do improve the vendors. these mods do not require horses and effect all vendors. lots of role playing with Banished by using various mods. there is a mod that creates “domestic animals” that can breed and be traded.

    pastures/crop fields- there are some options. KID made a pasture mod that allows them to be built at the edge of streams. this way the cows or pigs have access to the water to drink. with fenceless pastures and decorations, you can make fields/pastures of a variety of shapes. many decorations are ghosted to give players flexibility.

    there are several types of canals or irrigation mods. and mod sets that use the water from them. such as EB’s leather chain. some greenhouses require water as well.

    professions- the education system has been modded. the happiness system has as well.depending on the mods and the load order, this can be altered to some degree. i am super happy with how i have mine functioning now. took lots of time and work from different modders. the education demand for nomads is much lower than the original. they come ready to farm or hunt with much better outputs. yet blacksmiths and other workers still require training.

    watches- we have learned over time that adding many new items has negative effects that outweigh the good points. the bannies only use a few goods. increasing the # of goods doesn’t help them but does clog the inventories and effect what the merchant boats bring. for example- we have several types of berries. the bannies use fruit, doesn’t matter what it is. but we can make different jams, jelleys, pies, etc from the different varieties. as you have already seen, this means more menu for the workplaces. a merchant boat might bring any of these fruit varieties and you can spend lots of time waiting for apple seeds. there are boats that come with these specialized goods but not goods that the bannies do use or need. the only place many of these extra goods are used is in construction of some buildings and then trading. such as lumber can be required for construction.

    Banished was designed to be a survival based game. great work by the modders took it to the village and city building game that it is now. there are tons of mods that can be used.

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