The new Longhouse is now ready for testing if you like (and did not notice in blog post). :)
I´ll try it out later this evening at the beginning of an Iceland start. But since you need fittings, I´m pretty sure you can´t do without first building at least one goahti before the first winter.
It wasn´t easy and unless you´re very lucky or have a much better starting position than average I guess it only works on “mild” but I actually did build the longhouse for my 3 “seafarer” families before winter. Although I needed 3 attempts.
1 attempt; I prefer the tar kiln to make charcoal but it started to make 9 tar from that small amount of firewood that was there and it was winter before I even could produce any charcoal.
2 attempt; instead I built the charcoal pile, could produce some charcoal and even some iron fittings. All building material was there but only 3 fittings delivered to the building site. I thought, now is someone carrying the rest 3 fittings around but they were nowhere to find until I discovered that I´ve only built 1 store and it was completely full with food with no space left for any fittings. Again failure.
3. attempt; this one took long. There were at least 10 “not playable maps”; several with about 10 trees to reach unless you build a bridge or no close water and even if I don´t really intend to go on with this map, I don´t want to kill many of my sheep. Finally, I found one; everything worked out, although it was pretty close because one lady seemed to love these fittings and decided to carry them around for quite some time but in the Jule month, just as the first snow began to fall, the impressive longhouse stood there and everyone could move in.
It´s lovely. I do like it. Thank you. But next time, I guess there will be a goahti for the start.
(The map for my last attempt only had rye and turnips as crops, I thought they always had barley. Weird that they couldn´t plant any, it was all they had in their bags)
I also tested the Longhouse a bit today. First I have to say that it is another beautiful building. I think it’s good that three families can live there.
As Nilla has already written, it is not designed to be used right from the beginning because of the fittings. But as a building for immigrants I think it is great. And it would also be great for some starting scenarios.
Maybe it would be better to also add a Detraction for inhabitants because it was definitely not nice to live with 12 people very closely to each other.
Maybe in the future when you have time you can make another f-variant with beams around it for supporting or another roof, just small changes.
Thank you for testing it so fast. If it has its place in the housing set, some f-variants will be nice indeed. I also noticed while setting up building costs that it will not be the perfect starting house, especially not in harsh climate where you always need a fast home first. But that’s ok I think, otherwise it would be too simple. In fair or mild climate and on mainland with enough wood it is still a good idea to rush for a longhouse. Just think of the shared food and firewood in one house.
Happiness detraction would be reasonable and not really a drawback in very early game but since it’s rather a “tier 2 house” behind ironworking together with frame houses, I think to keep it neutral to not push it out of players options.
My opinion is that happiness detraction or not isn´t important for that building. It´s unlikely that you will build a lot of longhouses (it could work but only with a lot of tedious micromanagement). I would use it as the first (or second) housing for the start and as one or a few boardinghouses for temporarily use for nomads later in the game. In the beginning, you will not bother about happiness anyway and if a few nomads are fully happy or not for a short time isn´t very game-changing.
And I find, use of fittings is OK. I think it pays off even to build a goathi and demolish it if you want to. I also think that it´s possible to build the longhouse as the first home in most starting options where you have iron from the start.
I read both of your comments about the Longhouse. You are right a Happiness detraction would maby be bad. I just thought myself that I’d rather would live in a turf house alone with my familie than in a longhouse, that’s why I was thinking. But as you’ve argued, it made also sense. But everything is ok you are right, I just thought that it was a shame that the turf house is so handicapped even though it is the best looking building.^^