Banished Ventures

MortalSmurph testing North7

  • This topic has 12 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Smurph.
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  • #5286

    tl;dr — 1,000+ food per year with 1 worker and NO micro. Small, mountainous map with limited paths. Hunting Spot in a far corner. Perhaps some luck but still very productive with no effort.

    My personal playstyle in Banished is to reach the point where I can mostly sit back and relax. I want to watch my little people accomplish things while I drink tea and watch movies.

    My goal is to achieve this point of minimal input as soon as possible.

    I have played two towns, so far, in The North 7. My first town was Adam and Eve mode and I achieved glass production at year 17 and I had a grand total of 6 population. I bred the people as fast as I could. The children refused to marry each other and live together. However, the young girl still popped out babies. “Life finds a way.” Glass could likely be achieved much sooner but it was my first time in the North in a very long time. My second town started as “Shepherds” and I setup a Sheep –> Clothing production line and produced large amounts of trade value very easily. Sheep reproduced very quickly and I was able to fill many pens rapidly.

    My plan for this town is Mountains, Small, Harsh, Disasters OFF, Survivor on map seed #1. I am going to attempt to Hunt, Fish and trade. I believe this map will allow me to “auto-hunt.” I will be placing Hunting Spots in the far corners of the map and my hunters will sometimes hit deer. The small, mountainous map limits the possible places deer can be. I will supplement this food production by smoking the food and trading the Reindeer products for more food.

    Kill animals. Turn animals into products. Import everything else. My goal is to achieve this point as quickly as possible. I will need to produce some Iron, tools, clay, fittings etc. myself to reach this point.

    For my own amusement, I will be completely and utterly ignoring everything health and happiness related except for a cemetery. In my experiences with diseases in Banished a “spread out” town alone is enough to fend off diseases. If there are no homes on the main roads people walk on then the disease won’t spread significantly.

    I will not accept Nomads. I want to see how fast I can grow the population. At some point I will switch to education when I feel like I have popped out enough babies through the lack of education.

    Step 1: Don’t die. Log Shed. Collect Firewood. Kill a few deer. Pray I don’t freeze to death in the Spring. Build “Turf Homes”, Storehouse and a Campfire. Prepare for Iron, auto-hunting, and Fishing.

    Results after 2 Years:
    Two Homes. Two Families. One Child. Tools and Clothing (Mostly). Over 1000 food produced by one worker with NO micro. The small mountanous map gives a large advantage to hunting. Some luck may have been involved as well.

    The Roasted Meat number is misleading because 24 meat is consumed to produce 30 meat. So divide whatever number by 5. That 768 number really is 768 / 5 = 153 food produced.


    Step 2: Industry and Trade. Setup Iron Tool production. Create the products needed for a trading post.

    I created a Tar, Charcoal, Bloomery and Blacksmith. I finished a fishing dock. I had one worker fish at ~500 food per year. I had the hunter going at ~600 food per year. The 1,000 year was a fluke. My other two workers rotated between Logging, Firewood, Blacksmithing and building.

    I finished the Big Trading Dock in year 10. I had 9 citizens. I had 2,000 food stored.

    Now I will be setting up orders at specific traders: Tools, Glass, Bricks, Roof Tiles and NON-protein Food will all be ordered.

    I have changed my mind. My oldest child is 8. Let’s see how quickly I can make a School. I won’t save-scum.

    I only have 4 Boulders so far. My Thingstead isn’t ready yet. I am unsure what goods I will produce to trade. Perhaps Leather. Perhaps Hide Capes.


    Sigh, Year 11. I just saw the Trader paddle on by without stopping. Apparently this lake isn’t actually on the river. :(

    I am going to take a break for now. Perhaps I will just do this town without trading and build up this population. Perhaps I will start over.

    I find One Year is One Year incredibly tedious. The game simply doesn’t go anywhere. I am going to have the entire Tech Tree built before my original Survivors have Grandchildren.


    I have seen the same thing in other games (also not the North); even if the lake is connected to the river the merchant might very well refuse to stop if he needs to take a turn back to reach the port. My guess is that he would stop at a port on the south side of the lake.

    I must ask; why do you bother to build a large trading port for such a small settlement?

    And I agree with you; a “real-time ageing” mod without “growing with immigration” is tedious and not much fun.

    Tom Sawyer

    Nice test run!

    With that boat pathing issue we can’t do something. It just does’t find a way into certain lakes sometimes. I would then always move docks closer to the river.

    This use of the hunting tool is interesting. I think the effect comes from forcing hunters to walk between settlement and hunting spot and on their way back to work, they have a good chance to face more deer than they would find in the tiny radius. So you somehow counter this restriction for permanent use. Also choosing your battle field in mountains without much room for deer is cunning. What about a small Hunting Camp for early game to not have to use those tactics until the proper Hunting Cabin?

    Production statistics of food processing are misleading, yes. The game always simply counts output and not a calculation of this minus that. Players have to take a closer look at input/output numbers or into Wiki pages here.

    About aging there will be some discussion, I’m sure. Banished people are very used to this vanilla speed thing. I would always suggest to give real time a chance and to see a town now growing by immigration rather than by unnatural fast breeding. Also because things in this mod are built around this setup including early nomads. But I will make a kind of “SpeedOn” Tweak Mod for people who don’t like to adapt to the new default.


    I must ask; why do you bother to build a large trading port for such a small settlement?

    The biggest reason is I didn’t want to dig clay. I like being able to demolish everything in my town and remake things. Clay and Sand are permanent, right? Even filling in the tiny clay thing leaves a little hole in the ground. I was able to make the big one without clay.

    The increased cost wasn’t a big deal. I was able to afford it no problem. I considered making one Small quickly, then either another small or a Large, but I had the resources so I thought “let’s go big”.

    I’m not familiar with The North. The descriptions on the Trading Posts let me think there is a chance, and just a chance, that each Trading Post gets different boats, or a different balance of boats. The small Trading Post didn’t bring Bricks and Roof Tiles very often. Perhaps I had bad luck.

    What about a small Hunting Camp for early game to not have to use those tactics until the proper Hunting Cabin?

    The “put the hunting spot in a far corner of the map” method may be more effective than Hunting Cabins. There doesn’t seem to be a kill limit on the Hunting Spots. Are there limits on the Cabins? Perhaps I had bad luck with the cabins that I built in my previous runs of The North.

    Also, I have always felt that smaller maps have larger concentrations of animals. I am asking if anyone has any data from the moddable files. I know you can edit the herds etc. but in my 10 minutes of searching I didn’t find the right file/information.

    I’m tempted to make a vanilla game on a small and medium map, cut down all the trees, and count the deer. That’s quite tedious and silly though.

    I’ve always suspected that there is a math error on how many animals should spawn on each size map. For example, a 200×200 map is quadruple, not double, the size of a 100×100 map. Perhaps an understandable error like that was made when setting the spawn amounts.

    Again, those are just feelings and suspicions. I don’t have data.

    I would always suggest to give real time a chance and to see a town now growing by immigration rather than by unnatural fast breeding.

    I don’t even have enough Boulders for a Thingstead yet. I built the “Big Trading Dock” and my Thingstead still says “6 of 18 Boulders”. In my last game the immigrants had a high chance of dying rather than reaching my town.


    You might be right about your thoughts about the number of deer/map size. I have had the impression too (without proof or counting) that there are more animals on smaller maps at the beginning of a game. But I also have the impression that you easily over hunt on smaller maps (or maybe the herds more easily disappear when you build on their gassing spot) Anyway, the output somehow gets down after some time, something I haven´t seen on the larger maps. This again are only impressions. It might be misinterpreted good/bad luck.

    And you can totally refill the small clay pits. One of mine took a long time but they are now totally gone. That´s a difference from North 6, where demolition was free but you did have a small “scar” on the ground.

    Tom Sawyer

    The big dock has indeed a higher chance to bring glass and bricks. It can be a good choice if you want to rush the tech tree as in your test game. With two small docks vs one big dock it might be already vice versa.

    The hunting tool has no time limitation, that’s right. The hunting cabin is set to 0.5 month which turns out as about 1 month since they also hunt grouse. That makes it also more random. So maximum yield that can be reached in a short time will be always higher with these flexible spots but to the price of over-hunting and (if not outsmarted with your corner tactics) a lot of micromanagement. I remember when testing this tool, I tended to place spots not into a herd but somewhere beyond to let hunters cross the herd. Your idea is somehow an extrem version of it.

    Placement of herds on maps works by cells with a defined size that can be modded and I doubt there is a hidden calculation that makes intentionally more animals on smaller maps. Maybe this observation is a result of maps with more unusable land where deer starts more dense. That could be especially something on small maps with a different ratio of areas. But actually the game has a feature that decreases populations by a second cell system inside those big cells. So even if you have more dense deer populations in the beginning of a small map, it will decrease faster with your growing settlement or even naturally.


    The Collect Boulders button will be well welcomed. It is year 18. My thingstead isn’t built. I paved all my roads with stone. I built a Large Trading Dock, Several Homes, I have traded for glass, I have a Herbalist, Hunting Cabin, Forester’s Lodge and other things. I have 300 additional stone. I still have only collected 14 Boulders.

    Are boulders used for other things?

    Tom Sawyer

    For now, they are used for a thingstead, to get an anvil stone for the first blacksmith and to craft millstones. The rest can be cut into stones.

    You have a small mountain map, or? That’s extrem but I think it should be possible to get enough boulders on every map. I would slightly increase the chance to spawn.


    I restarted my town for The North version 3.

    Survivor. Small, Harsh, Mountainous, Disasters off. Map seed: 1000.

    Currently year 40. I built the Thingstead as fast as I could. I accepted all nomads. I bred people as fast as I could. Population 38/0/24. I just finished a school. I have 3 Big Trading Posts. I am a Wool product trading spot.

    I am going to remake the town and make it very pretty now. I sort of threw things in an ugly pile for efficiency to start. Now, I will focus more on aesthetics.

    Link to Picture, was too big for this site.

    Tom Sawyer

    From above it looks already pretty.^^

    Would be cool we could create some achievements for modded Banished like “Become a wool tycoon and earn 1 million dalers with wool products”


    Unfortunately, we are eating all our profits at the moment :P

    All the excess is going into non-Protein foods, bricks, roof tiles, glass, and soon Steel Tools.

    The good news is that I have a LOT of Wool products.

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