Banished Ventures

New Tweak Mods

  • This topic has 11 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Tom Sawyer.
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  • 12 Posts - 444 Views
  • #5428
    Tom Sawyer

    I just added two tweaking mods for testing which I want to offer for North7. You can download and try if you like, from your Early Access page.

    One mod turns on vanilla speed aging and copies/keeps all other citizen parameters that are included in this code section. So you play with all the happiness and other changes but with vanilla aging. It can also be used to get the happiness tweak into another mod setup like CC without real time aging as it was with the Norseman mod. It has to go on top and is red marked due to the citizen overwrite.

    The other mod is a texture overwrite to show grid lines on terrain. It can be nice for people who like to plan a lot before placing buildings. I made it for myself to test stuff but think it can be interesting for players as well. It is green marked and can be turned on and off in a running game.

    If you have a thought to these tweaks, just drop it here. :)


    I will certainly try the vanilla speed tweak! Maybe even on a vanilla game.


    Ich würde eine Mod gut finden die nur dein Real Time Aging macht ohne Bonus wie bei Norseman oder Abzüge wie bei Ironman.

    Tom Sawyer

    In North7 ist der Stärke-Bonus mit 110 storage garnicht mehr drin. Ist einfach real time aging by default und möglichst gut balanced.

    Oder meinst ein real time aging mod für vanilla und andere setups? Dann würd ich ein update vom Norseman mod machen mit den aktuellen Werten.


    I was a bit tired of my last game (especially my vendors) and wanted to make a quick test of this vanilla speed ageing, but I don´t think it works, at least not in the North. People age fast, that´s true but you have kept the time between the children from the North; something like 2-5 years between the children; in vanilla 10-25 and that doesn´t work. None of my 3 initial families has become more than one child and the women are soon too old. (Audine came here as a baby)

    Tom Sawyer

    I looked at the parameters and most of them are relative to people’s aging but obviously not the pause between childbirth plus tolerance. So they waste away before time for a new child. Thank you for the report. Will fix it tomorrow.

    Tom Sawyer

    I have just updated the Speed Aging Mod. There are now vanilla values for post childbearing term and tolerance, so people get children in a vanilla frequency.


    Ah cool wusste nicht das es so in North 7 drin ist. Naja kannst wenn dir irgendwann mal langweilig ist die anderen ja Updaten damit man sie auch Vanilla etc. benutzen kann. Danke für die Antwort.


    I´m testing the new version. Seafarer ist VERY stressful and difficult. But there is a “bug”. I´ve had a school for quite a long time but no one has graduated. When I look in the houses next to the school are they full of students 21-23 years old. I guess the time in school is still adjusted to real-time ageing. It ought to be changed back to vanilla values.

    Tom Sawyer

    Obviously another parameter not relative to aging. Good you have found it. The speed mod is now updated with required education reduced to 1/5 of the original value to match the 5x speed aging. I also changed health recalculation time to 3 month as it is now set in main mod and checked this section for other tricky values but I’m sure there is no bugging thing left now.

    “Stressful and difficult” because they are growing and dying faster than you can build new houses on Iceland?


    Tom, I have tried to find the two tweak mods, Speed Aging and grid lines on terrain. Where can I find them to download as I am not a member of Steam?

    Tom Sawyer

    It’s on the update post about North 7. The grid mod I have added there too right now.

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