As you might see on the picture I added in the thread about trade, I built the pagan temple in that trade game. I guess it´s the most profitable building for spirituel happiness when you plan to build a larger settlement but that was not the main reason I built it. I like the small chapels very much and since I use to build settlements around an inn I could very well had built a small chapel next to each of these inns but I´m so tired of all these” bings” for nomads who arrive later in a game when you even have trouble to build enough houses for your own youngsters. 300+ inhabitans would have meant 5 nomad attractors. Not so nice.
I know, I may complain about too few nomads in the early game and now I complain about too many late game. An annoying person who wants to “eat the cake as well as keep it” (translation of a Swedish proverb). Sorry for that.
But couldn´t this be solved with two versions of the small chapel; one with nomads and one without? They can look the same so it wouldn´t be much work.
By the way; the longhouse you can see on that picture too, works very well as boarding house for nomads. I actually accepted a few some decade ago, just after I´ve built the schools and no new “domestic adults” were there.