Banished Ventures

North 7

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Tom Sawyer.
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  • 2 Posts - 114 Views
  • #5634

    I’ve found that when building certain buildings the proper construction ui when you click on it (with the construction requirements) is instead the normal fully constructed ui however broken. I’ve seen this in the campfire and charcoal pit.

    I’ve also noticed that in the event log, events are shown using the seasons (late spring, autumn etc) instead of months which is how it displays time in the inventory menu.

    Tom Sawyer

    Welcome pleaky!

    That’s a side effect of removing the need of a builder to finish simple objects. I wanted the campfire and charcoal pit to start just by placing stones or firewood (without a hammering and sawing builder guy). Since it often leads to confusion, I tend to add a builder again for at least 1 turn and did already with the stone fording for 7.1.

    The event log shows seasons while in overview you can choose your style. I can’t connect the log with the overview but can change it to modern months if most people prefer this.

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