Banished Ventures

North 7.1 Beta

  • This topic has 97 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Tom Sawyer.
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  • #5861

    There´s something odd with the longhouse. No one living in it is happy. First, I thought it may be just bad luck, that people who aren´t possible to make happy (because of illness and other bad things) happen to live there. There are 2 wells totally overlapping the longhouse (red circles), a sauna (blue), a wagon vendor (violet), a mead house and a temple so if everything was normal, they ought to be happy.

    I´m about to replace all turf houses against log cabins anyway so I made some testing. One family of 4 from the longhouse moved to the log house with the red X, the parents are still unhappy, the children became happy very fast. Then I found a turf house with a young couple where one of the parents and the child was happy (blue X). But after they´ve moved to the longhouse, they all became unhappy fast. Now, I wonder if living in a boarding house for longer, may be one of these additional negative factors that makes them impossible to get happy, no matter what. I hope not because I like the longhouse and it´s also very useful in a real-time ageing game, where you take a lot of nomads at the beginning of a game. Now I also use it when I rebuild the settlement and I also had plans to use it to form new couples later but I´m not sure that it will be a good idea. Maybe it has the same effect as real homelessness on happiness. I find it hard to get everyone happy in this game. But as I said, almost everyone was sick in Tuberculosis 10-15 years ago and that always have a negative impact. So I don´t know.

    Tom Sawyer

    That’s interesting. I did not add detraction to the longhouse. Must be a core function to kill happiness of people who don’t have a house of their own as you say. I would rather like it without this effect but as we talked it’s not so unreasonable.

    What would you both think about peat from your experience so far, to increase it by 25 or 50%. I like that you kind of trade with the option of fast reclaiming the land for farming. In a mainland scenario it would be realistic if people first cut down forest to get farmland and only later also drain swampy land. So I don’t want to make the peat tiles all to valuable but also lasting long enough on seafarer maps.

    In the temple they do some sacrificing feast yes. And if nothing is left, happiness drops down again. Actually realistic that it’s a temporary effect but should be not too difficult to keep it going. I will look at your idea to use roasted meat there. Not that it has a side effect. How the peat went there I don’t know. Crayfish should also not land there but can happen by its flag. It is then also used for the feast.


    Yes, I would also like the longhouse without any impact on happiness, not because the people who live in the longhouse at the present aren´t happy, that is not very important but because of a possible long-term effect if people live there for a while. As I said, I can´t say if it has that effect or not but it might be that way. I don´t think it would help if you gave the longhouse some positive effect, similar to the red house, I guess it´s something more “basic” that we must live with.

    If you want to give this version a bit more time to test, I would suggest you make the next version 50% more peat on each tile, just to test. It might very well be too much but it´s easier to get a feeling for the difference if it´s large.

    I didn´t mean to use roasted meat in the temple, even if it could work, I rather meant a new “product” called sacrifice meat or something similar but the function could be the same as roasted meat in the mead hall. But it also works the way it is now if you know about it. I´m about to expand my pastures in that direction and with a (from the village quite remote) pasture with a storage building closer to the temple, the time without mutton will be short. But as I said; I´m not so fond of the firewood. The name for theses sacrifices in Swedish is “blot” and if I tell you that the word “o” in Swedish is pronounced like the German”u”, I´m sure you recognize the word. ;)


    Do you plan to leave the amount of generated bog as it is, or reduce it? if you leave it as it is, I might try 25% for now, that would be 10. if you want to generate less bog then 50%. I would prefer the second option, but both are ok.

    I don’t think it would be right to give the longhouse a positive effect, it must have been very uncomfortable in there. I use the longhouse more as a buffer in case there are not enough houses available.

    I haven’t spent much time with the temple yet. But I know that the Vikings used to treat their gods with wild parties and lots of alcohol.
    And the romans sacrificed wine to their gods.
    I don’t like firewood in the temple either. Then rather blood.^^

    Tom Sawyer

    I see, you want to see blood. At the moment I don’t have something new about sacrificing. Adding a new resource for it I like to avoid because it could be traded and stored elsewhere. I also like to keep the firewood for the fire bowls in front and it’s not more than a house needs.

    A new version is now uploaded with these changes, mostly following our talk here:

    • Treeless bog areas on Seafarer maps reduced.
    • Output of peat per tile increased to 12 (+50%) and weight reduced to 6.
    • Peat is now preferred as fuel to save firewood for charcoal, tar or sacred fires.
    • Added status icons to peat spots that show finished work.
    • Abundance of berries in birch woods increased.
    • Berries now also grow around bogs.
    • Herdsman renamed to Stockbreeder (in German translation Viehzüchter).
    • Chicken Coop now worked by stockbreeders.
    • Thingstead with road tiles around to workaround the “building site bug”.
    • Many more buildings got road tiles in front or in addition for same reason.
    • Solved a pathing issue that made people making detours over bogland.
    • Removed glass from Dairy Huts to let the Vikings process milk.
    • Changed marker of fishing spots for better visibility.
    • Added a building stage to the Campfire.
    • Loft-Storehouses now also store food.

    Just WOW…Great update, cool changes. Thumbs up.


    These changes sound really great. I will start a new game later this afternoon. Thank you, Tom!

    Tom Sawyer

    I uploaded another beta version with the following fixes and adjustments. It is mainly fine tuning and I think the mod is then ready for release, but if you like you can play around with it once more. Download from same link in early access page.

    • Added an “End the Feast” option to the Temple to get out stored meat.
    • Added the “Empty Storage” option to Bloomery and DS Wagon Builder.
    • Added upgrade buttons to Turf House and Turf Storehouse.
    • Increased lines of some inventories and production statistics.
    • Adjusted export merchants to pay well more often and more predictable.
    • Slightly increased abundance of ore, stone and boulders.
    • Quarries now also produce boulders in ratio of 1:3 stone.
    • Increased output of Millstones to 2 – 3 from a boulder.
    • Reduced abundance of berries in normal forests to not overgrow in mild summers.
    • Reduced radius of Gatherer Shelters to 24 for higher yield (shorter walks).
    • Fixed linen production speed which is now 100% faster.
    • Reduced wadmal production speed by 25%.
    • Reduced risk of diseases for healthy people to be now 1/50 of unhealthy.
    • Reduced risk of death while childbearing from 0.5% to 0.1% for healthy women.
    • Reworked fire particle system to better match size and location of buildings./li>
    • Fixed a few broken fire textures at trading docks and brick barn.

    Edit: Almost forgot to mention the changed status icon of peat cutting spots we talked about. It now shows a flag if finished which sticks to the tile. I would like to know if you like it better than the standard icons.


    I´ll try it later this week. First, I will finish another game. I was stupid enough to join a “barn spam” challenge I saw on internet and when I´ve started it I´ll also finish it.


    I had a go at the new version.


    The flags on the peat spots are pretty good. They look a bit out of place for now but I will probably get used to them. They are much less obtrusive than the other status icon.

    There were plenty of boulders this time. I’ve had to walk pretty far for stone but it’s manageable. Iron is fine.

    There is once again no happiness radius shown on the wooden chapel (or wooden idol).

    One of the Hanseatic merchants is paying reduced price for gold and silver. I have never seen this before ever and I don’t like it because I rely on gold and silver for guaranteed prices early on before I can get dalers and stuff. The other Hanseatic merchant (same trading port) offers the normal price. See photos.

    Did you add happiness detraction to longhouses? See third photo. Not a single resident in those longhouses is above 3 stars. I have had no diseases or other things that would make them sad. The ones in the izbas are happy (other than the izba which is outside of the sauna circle). Am I missing something?

    Tom Sawyer

    I was sure to have fixed the chapel but seems not. Now it is, already uploaded together with the fixed merchant. You can load it and continue your running game.

    The idols don’t have a circle because they were changed to simple idling locations and don’t increase happiness of surrounding houses anymore. That would have made sacrificing pointless.

    The longhouse did not get a detraction radius by me but as Nilla found out in latest beta test, the game seems to have an internal function that prevents inhabitants of houses with more than one family (vanilla boarding house) from happiness. We have to take it as a feature of the longhouse.


    Cool, thanks for those clarifications.

    Could you take a look at the tar kiln? I’ve tried a few times to start with it instead of a charcoal pile and it’s soooo slow. This time I paid a bit more attention and it seems to be using only 8 firewood to produce 3 tar (instead of 16) so I’m wondering if the timing is off too.

    Do tools and education play a big role in the speed of production at this building?

    Tom Sawyer

    The tar kiln produces 3 – 4 tar plus 12 charcoal from 16 firewood and needs for this 240 work time. It happens in 2 separate steps, one for tar and one for charcoal, each from 8 firewood in 120 work time and randomly switching. Can be confusing if you have a closer look at it in game.

    The charcoal pit produces 12 charcoal from 16 firewood in 160 work time which is a lot faster and should make it interesting to choose.

    Education affects the output of tar, not of charcoal. And tools affect always work time. Without tools, work time is 5x longer. I hope this makes it more clear.


    I took a fast look at the changes “in-between”. I´m not fond of having several games running at the same time but since I restarted that challenge game, I thought I might as well take a look at your changes, Tom.

    I think the small signs on the peat will work. They are a lot more agreeable than the old and with some practice, I can distinguish cut and uncut peat tile. Well done!

    It´s a seafarer map and indeed it seems to be more boulder but hard to see any difference by stones and bog iron. I find it good that there is more boulder, and also that you get boulder from the quarry. It makes the stonecutter hut more useful. As it is was, you need it to make a few millstones and to make ashler for a temple. After that, it was mostly closed (or I even demolished it in some games, if I wanted the space for other things), Now you can either cut boulder to building stones or produce millstones for export. (Millstones was indeed a real export good here in my neighbourhood from the medieval times until mid 19th century)

    I don´t think that this has anything to do with the North or RKEd, it´s rather my old computer that makes its pranks. As I said, I usually only play one game at the time. I also often”clean” Win data and register so I only have those mods I use loaded. But now I have both The North and RKED and I have crashes. Not often by doing anything special in-game. More often when I go away to do something else the game has crashed when I return. Just want to tell that the North will temporarily be thrown out of the Windata but I certainly will return to it soon.

    Tom Sawyer

    I don’t think crashes in Banished are caused by old computers or low specs. It’s rather any bad interaction with the RKEd and better to remove the North from your mod folder while playing it.

    Tom Sawyer

    I’ve just added the updated German translation and a new one in Slovak language (made by Lubos Drab) to early access page. Both are up to date with North 7.1 Beta and will be released together with the main mod.

    Early Access


    Not sure if this a bug or if it’s how it’s supposed to be, but the Mead Hall won’t bring in available Schnapps when set to “Alcohol from outside”. That’s the only alcohol type that I’ve seen it do this with. The Tavern brings in schnapps just fine.

    Tom Sawyer

    That was intended, to let people only consume in the Viking hall what was common in this time and to have one more reason to build a tavern later.


    Just want to tell; I´m back in the North after a brief excursion in ResKetchup land.


    I started to run in to a bunch of fatal access violations with no obvious link between them (not caused by clicking on a specific building or anything). I’m not running any other mods so it’s not that. Would crash logs help you figure this out, Tom, or anything else?

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