Banished Ventures

North 7.1 Beta

  • This topic has 97 replies, 8 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Tom Sawyer.
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  • 98 Posts - 2084 Views
  • #6177
    Tom Sawyer

    Hi! Sugar is so far only used to make jam from blueberries or cherries, in the log cabin workshops. They are in housing toolbar next to the log cabin. More uses of sugar and another workplace to process food with sugar would be nice in the future.


    Thanks! In the Russian translation, it is not easy to find


    Another question =) Is why traders with tiles and bricks come so rarely? I waited 50 years before a merchant with the right product arrived

    Tom Sawyer

    Bricks and tiles are late game materials for the most advanced or industrial buildings, so they are not needed at the beginning and meant to be rare or to come later. But it is possible to rush for them with some effort in trading, like more trading docks, big docks which attract those merchants with bricks and most important, ordering bricks.


    More big docks. Ok thanks!


    Hallo Tom,
    ich wollte mal fragen wie es jetzt mit The North weiter geht? Ist ja ziemlich still geworden.
    Also ich persönlich würde mich sehr über eine Version 7.2 freuen. Diese könnte dann den neuen Blast Furnace und die Lagerhäuser (Erdkeller und Stave-Storehouse) nur für Nahrung enthalten, welches wir mal angesprochen hatten.
    Würde mich echt super freuen und ich wäre auch bereit wieder die Versionen zu testen.
    Schöne Grüße

    Tom Sawyer

    Hi Jase,

    gibt wieder mehr Arbeit seit Juni. Also leider nicht viel Zeit für Banished im Moment. Andererseits gut, weil Rechnungen wollen ja auch bezahlt werden. Will auf jeden Fall weiter machen, genug Ideen sind ja vorhanden. :)



    Freut mich, Job geht vor.


    I wanted to play that mission map until I died but it was kind of messy and I got bored so I started a new game instead. So I will never know how old I was in the end or if I maybe found an old widower to share my last years with. ;)

    I noticed a couple of things, not really bugs but a little bit disturbing, I don’t know if it’s intended or “just happened”. If I remember it right, the medium red barn used to have two entrances, one of each road side. Now they can only put goods in it from the short side. It’s not very logical since there are doors also on the longer road side.

    Usually, I also load the DS wagonwendor and it works really great. As I started Banished after my pause for some reason I didn’t load it and I thought, OK, this game I will play the North absolutely clean. I also remembered that I had some issues with the big market last time I used it. I didn’t know what issues or if they were changed but now I do. It’s simply too big to use in a normal settlement. After I built it almost all of my food was stored in it. I saw more than 3000 mutton (the single food I had most of). I also don’t know your thoughts about storing textiles in it, like wadmal and leather but as far as I can see no other raw materials. I will not say it’s a bad thing. I just want to know your thoughts about it. Anyway; since this is the only original nordic market you can build before you have bricks, I find the content of food should be set down to around 1000 of each category, what you also normally see in a vanilla market of that size. I thought of taking the vendor away but I need him for happiness. So I guess I must live with the loss of health I had after I built it. It’s only ½ heart so far but normally building a market use to increase health.

    Tom Sawyer

    I checked the small red barn and it has use points on the short and the long side. Maybe they tend to prefer point one over the second or it’s just random. If it looks odd on the short side I can remove it there so they always put stuff at the big door.

    If I remember right, the textile category was used in the marketplace to make materials available from far away. It may be useful if the tailor shop is in town rather than outside. Another thought was that such textiles should be on a medieval marketplace, just from an immersion point of view. The latter of course should not count if it’s useless in game.

    The issue we had with the market was, that vendors did not fill it up fully I think. But I could never figure out why. The market is big, that’s right and small food distribution hubs would be stronger. They would even completely displace the market I guess. Since I like the vanilla market with the reworked texture, I was not really convinced yet to replace it by a smaller object. Or at least it did not get priority.


    That’s strange with the barns; I looked at one farmer where the harvest was late, she consequently walked pass the big door on the long side of the barn to put the food on the short side further away. I have now more of these barns and I will look more carefully at it tonight. I don’t find it looks odd, contrary;it’s good with two entrances, but I like them to prefer the closest door, as they do at the vanilla barn.

    I looked and tested the big market a bit more; it looks like you had some special thoughts about the food: A lot of meat and grain are stored in my market; food that can be processed. The content of fruit and vegetables is a more “normal”. So in a larger settlement, it would make very much sense to build the big market and locate production buildings close to it. So I find both this larger and a smaller market, buildable from the start have their use.

    I also think that it works with textiles at the market, as the settlement grows and you don’t need to micromanage the tailors; produce wadmal in tailor shops close to the pastures and the clothes in others close to the market. This will also make it attractive to build a big market later in the game. However, I don’t know how it will work together with the warehouse, which also stores textiles if I remember it right. Will there be some troublesome competition about the material? I will test it later in this game.

    Tom Sawyer

    I made a test with the small red barn and my guys put resources always at the door that is the closest. So basically it seems to work properly but for some reason not in your game. Might be a pathing issue but actually the long side can’t be blocked.

    The different amounts of food categories in the market may be explained by the different volume per food. The ratio defined in source code is equal. I want to make a test and maybe have to change these values or we decide to like that more grain and protein is stored there. It can make sense because that’s what people produce the most usually.

    Trouble between marketplace and warehouse I don’t expect since both are technically markets, which don’t take resources from each other. We know this behavior from taverns but they are normal storage locations.


    I looked carefully and I couldn’t see anyone putting anything in the red storage from the long side but many people walking by to put/get their stuff from the short side. I looked at several barns and several professions. In my game, there’s certainly no access to the door on the long side. Why? No idea! I have no other mods loaded. I downloaded the latest version of the North, I saw that you’ve made some minor changes since the last time I played. I’ll see if I have some old save from another game to check if it’s the same. I have never noticed this behavior before but that may also be that I never looked carefully enough.


    This is weird! As I said, I’m pretty sure that no one used the door on the long side of any barn in that game. I had no save from a Nordic game that had any glass on my computer but I started a new game and here they use the door on the long side, at least occasionally. It still seems that farmers prefer the short side but they do not walk pass the big door that obviously in this game. I have no explanation. Nothing is changed except that I’ve loaded the DS Wagonvendor and that can’t possibly have any influence. Sorry for the fuzz.


    I noticed something in my present game that might explain that the farmers in that game farmers prefered a special door.

    It looks like a trader put their goods in the barn that’s closest to where they live, not the closest barn to the port.

    I built a third small port and a barn a bit away from the rest of the village but I didn’t bother to build a house close for the trader. I was wondering why it took so long to empty that port and saw that the trader always passed the close, empty barn to put her stuff in the other, almost full barn. It didn’t change until I built a house close.

    What is if farmers put their goods in the barn/door closest to their home? That might explain why a door further away is prefered.

    I can’t imagine that this has anything to do with the North mod, it’s simply one of these Banni-behaviours that I haven’t noticed before.

    Tom Sawyer

    Interesting find and it can explain it indeed. If people pick up resources from the ground, they go to the next storage location from there, not from their home. But in case of a trader carrying stuff between the dock and a barn, it might be different. With farmers picking up resources from a field I doubt, because that’s the first case (picking up from the ground). I guess it would need some special tests. Influencing this by modding we can’t as you already thought.


    This might not be the right thread, the version is out of beta but I´ll use it anyway.

    I´ve found something about the granaries, that might explain why they don´t work well. I have tried them before but was never really satisfied. I haven´t really looked carefully what happens. But I had the impression that the granary was never really filled with grain, the millers were more busy carrying bread and flour away than to fill it with grain. Now I´ve found something else/more that makes problems.

    In my present game, I order wheat to produce bread. Even if I have loads of bread, it looks like not little expensive wheat (cost 5 by ordering) lands in the markets and is carried into the houses. So I thought, if I build one or two granaries and store as much wheat as I can there, the vendors will leave it. As we know, they don´t steal from each other. But in this case there are millers working in the granary and vendors steal from millers and millers steal from vendors, so there´s a never-ending loop of carrying the same wheat between granary and market. 3 millers didn´t manage to fill the granary with wheat, not even when I stopped mills and bakeries, so they didn´t need to carry bread and flour away.

    This will also make problems if you have the more normal case of growing wheat yourself and want to use the granary to collect wheat from different places to the mill, if not as big as in my game.

    And when I built a second granary, just to test (I actually thought that this would happen), the millers carry the same wheat back and forth from one granary to the other, like you might remember the innkeeper did with the booze.

    What is if you change the granary to work like a small specialized market. I guess there´s a risk that it´s filled with flour and bread but at least these loops of carrying the same goods back and forth is gone. Or maybe you´ll have a better solution.

    Tom Sawyer

    Yes, the granary doesn’t work well and what you describe from your game makes it even worse. Of course, the granary should actually work like a market with grain supplied to a mill with wheelbarrows. When I made the granary, I had this in mind but failed. The problem is that such a granary would fill up with flour from the mill very fast and for sure (not just by a risk) and vendors would not carry it out as they do now. So it would be useless as a mill supporting object.

    I want to think about it again. Maybe it can be solved now by multi-using that freed custom9 flag for the “tavern issue”.

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