Banished Ventures

Places to make firewood?

  • This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Helmut-pdorf.
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  • 6 Posts - 368 Views
  • #6318

    Are chopping blocks the only places that can make firewood? Going solely by the in-game tooltips that appears to be the case.


    As I remember – yes. Better let every 2. tree-group alive – they will loose more firewood in a year than you can build on 1 chopping block ( with one extra worker/job).
    Otherwise you have to take a lot of logs to build with min. 2 chopping blocks the same results ( and workers). But to plant new trees for new logs is only possible with the forrester-hut – later in the play.


    Don´t forget the deadwood collect button. It´s actually quite powerful. Sending everyone out in the woods in autumn, first to pick berries then to pick deadwood is a good way to survive.


    Good point, one thing I can’t figure out – when one manually specifies harvesting, firewood collection, stone collection, etc. – is that work done by laborers or gatherers?


    Most of these collections (logs, stones,iron, deadwood (=firewood), herbs, vegetables,from “removing” menu are done by laborers !
    Except the “Hunting point”, the campfire which are done by a “Hunter” ( Micro managing by changing the jobs between laborer and Hunter!). The campfire doubles in most case the result of the hunter to meat, or makes hides from the sheets.
    The chopper-block is done by a woodcutter, and is not so fast as the laborer who is collecting deadwood/firewood in areas with trees ( there let the trees alive as long as possible). 2 woodcutter on chopper are fast again – but needs logs ( which are cost-intensive because needs trees).
    The Hunter-cabin ( for 2 Hunter) works like the vanilla hunter cabin, but is also a storage – where the content is often not so used as your people need it.
    The Woodcutter-hut is dangerous – he harvest all the trees surrounding without planting them – you loose all the vegetables and herbs under the trees !
    Also is charcoal built not moved in stockpile, but waiting for a blacksmith in his hut for usage.
    Hope this helps..


    On the home page you will find at the right menu down “recommended articles” with tips and tricks, and “15-tips-for-banished-survivors” is necessary to read !

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