Banished Ventures

Potash manufacture?

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by hedgewitch.
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  • 3 Posts - 325 Views
  • #7652

    Loving the new North 7, but it certainly ups the ante on required resources. After waiting forever to get 26 glass panes(first merchant brought 25, then nobody for years ;) )I finally got my glass factory up and running, but it seems glass now requires potash. The wiki says glassmakers will make it themselves, but all I get when I employ one is the Resource Unavailable icon.They have plenty of sand and charcoal. I have tried to purchase it, but it’s extremely expensive for my little town. Any idea what I am doing wrong?

    Tom Sawyer

    I think it was one of those materials I liked to introduce by trading and let the people learn to produce it later. There are pictures of a historical ashery in my folder, so that must have been the plan. At least there is an option to produce potash in the glass factory.. if you drop down the menu. A bit inconvenient to switch from time to time but the alternative to trading.


    Thanks! That’s what I needed to know. I knew I was overlooking something!And thanks again for this update–I enjoyed the original North mod a lot, and now that I am back to playing, it’s great to have some new content and challenges.

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