Banished Ventures

Stockbreeding Labor Output

  • This topic has 11 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Tom Sawyer.
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  • #6401

    Hi guys, I’m a new player with the mod and also haven’t played banished in awhile, and I’m loving it so far.

    My question is, is it worth it to leave a stockbreeder in a pasture 24/7? I’m confused as to whether or not it will it only yield me wool, or if it will hasten the breeding process of the sheep. I guess for cows it will get you milk so it’s worth it for food but wool is not as useful as sheepskin imo? Any answers or general help is appreciated, sorry for vague/confusing nature of question.


    It’s not a confusing question. I find it an interesting question but my answer may be a bit confusing. Maybe Tom or someone else can answer clearer.

    You don’t need to assign a herdsman to get wool, milk, eggs; those things produced continuously. The animals “drop” it and if there’s no herdsman, labourers pick it up. Although if the little store is full, there’s no new “drop” so if you have few labourers with a lot of other work to do, the production gets down. And of course, without a herdsman, no animal will be slaughtered and there are no meat and skin.

    So far, it’s clear but the most interesting question is: Do the animals breed faster with a herdsman? In some mods I have seen that they do and if you never assign a herdsman the animals die, but I’m not sure it’s like that in the North. I have tested with and without herdsmen but come to no conclusion. Sometimes it looks like it’s faster with a herdsman, sometimes not. If I’m short of workers, I let one work from time to time to better pick up wool/milk (I seldom breed chicken) and maybe speed the breeding up but when I’m very short of workers (or forget) they breed as well.

    Tom Sawyer

    I think it’s basically the same in vanilla and different modded versions. Animals don’t breed faster with a herdsman or stockbreeder in general but if the maximum capacity of a pasture is reached, they do. Just because the worker slaughters excess animals as soon as possible and makes place for new offspring. Without a worker, livestock stops making offspring at this point. One could also assign a worker slaughtering the half of the herd at once and leaving the herd alone until they fill the pasture again, but a half population breeds by the half slower than a full one. In addition, the worker clears dropped wool, milk and eggs which is also done by laborers as Nilla said, but maybe not that constantly and dropping resources stops without free spots. In short I would say.. Whenever a pasture is full, the output is higher with a constantly assign worker.

    The more complicated question is if the whole settlement is more productive with or without full-time stockbreeders since those guys could also do other work. I think there is no simple answer for that.


    I am sure that in some mods animals don´t breed without a herdsman and that they breed faster when one is present a lot but as I´ve said: I havn´t seen it that obvious in the North but very clear in my present game.

    I like many unique things in the RKEd, like the fodder-fertilizer-chain, the canals, the corner buildings and 3 store NMT houses but I have one issue; the survivning aspects that I like so much in the North is missing, so I decided to make a try with RKEd and Ironman. There´s one start option Shepherds where you have 2 different animals from the start. I found a map I liked very much that had sheep that I wanted but with one disadvantage; 10 children from the start. I can tell the first years were very tough, I didn´t survive the first attempt but after waiting to build a school it worked.

    Anyway, as you may understand there was a constant lack of workers from the start so the animals weren´t tended very well. I had 6 sheep and 6 pigs and bult a small pasture where I put the sheep to get wool for clothes early. I had in mind that you need to assign a herdsman in RKEd so I had one assigned from time to time. After a while the number of sheep had grown to the maximum 8 and I built a bigger pasture for the sheep and put the pigs in the first small one. Now I didn´t assign a herdsman. Soon I had only 4 pigs. That made me send a herdman to the pigs and soon a couple of piglets were born but the herd didn´t grow. I think all of the initial pigs died before the herd reached the maximal 8.

    Now my settlement have grown and I also breed ducks. In one corner of the map I have 3 duck pasture that happend to hold 20 ducks each. One is very close to a barn and quite close to the herdsman´s house, the second a bit further away and the third even further. I´ve followed the output of meat in these pastures from the beginning and it very much depends on the time the herdsman spend there.

    I will probably play this afternoon and will make a screenshot. I also have two pastures with bisons about the same size and distance from barns and housing. I think I will assign a second herdsman to one of them and see what happens.

    Tom Sawyer

    If animals really breed slower without a worker, then it’s the same in all mods and in vanilla too. There are no parameters in files to change this mechanic by modding. I’m a bit rusty with Banished but did not we joke someday about animals needing hugs from a herdsman to get offspring? Now I want to do some testing.


    I did some testing, too. Vanilla gameplay, easy start 8 chicken.

    No herdsman ever; chicken don’t breed and start to die late winter 2, all dead early winter 3.
    Same start but herdsman assigned when the first dies, late winter 2. More chicken die, early spring only 4 left, early summer 2 new chicken born but another 2 dead, early winter all initial chicken dead but one more born. Summer 5 pasture (9×9) full with 13 chicken.

    Chicken split into 2 9×9 pastures. One with and one without herdsman. Chicken breed in both pastures, early spring, 7 chicken start to die without herdsman, all dead summer 9.

    Same split, now I let the herdsman visit the empty pasture as soon as the number of chicken reaches 15, let him slaughter and unassign. Numbers from 13 chicken during 4 years:

    With herdsman. Without herdsman
    Eggs Meat Eggs Meat
    132 24. 126. 30
    150. 72. 162. 30
    150. 66. 156. 42
    132. 72. 144. 24

    I also restarted the game and let a herdsman work for about a month at the beginning and the chicken started to breed after some time.

    Conclusion: Chicken (and I guess all other animals) breed faster if a herdsman is at the pasture but they survive and breed also if you only assign one from time to time. If you never assign a herdsman they all die but you can let the herd survive by temporarily letting one work. But of course, if you primarily want wool from sheep, you can get more if you only assign one from time to time. But of course, in this case you need enough labourers to pick it up.

    As I’ve seen in my present game, a good located pasture give more meat than a bad located where the herdsman is absent longer. Here is the screenshot I promised with the output from the 3 pastures. You can also see some of my favourite RKEd things I talked about above.


    i think many things in Banished are coded by Luke in such a way that modders have an affect but it is limited. kinda like the game has to make 2 checks before deciding how it should act. 1 for the modders code and 1 for the complex coding that Luke designed deeper in.

    i know in the RKED ,pigs breed slowly even with a worker.RED checked his coding and we never figured why they do that.doesn’t happen to any of the other animals.

    Tom Sawyer

    How fast animals breed can be set in livestock file via offspringTerm and ..Tolerance, the higher the slower. So that’s specific to species but nothing to setup a dependency on worker.

    I also made my testing with lots of chickens and it’s basically the same result as in Nillas test: If they never see a worker, animals don’t start breeding at all. If there was a worker assigned just for a moment and then removed, they breed with the same speed as with a full-time worker until the pasture is filled. It seems there is no hidden function that makes livestock breeding faster with a worker present. So micromanaging pastures is a nice option in early game with only a few people. It just needs a worker to start breeding which is a tricky detail and probably unintended. That was new to me.


    I think you a wrong, Tom when you say that the breeding isn´t slower if a herdsman is absent. I´m sure it is but there´s a delay. That´s the thing that makes it tricky to see, it takes a couple of years. The breeding after I just split the herd was the same in the pasture with and without herdsman (or even a bit faster without) but after some time the absence was shown, same as I can see in my present game where the output of meat is higher in good located pastures.

    Tom Sawyer

    But that’s the effect of higher output with a full-time worker who makes sure animals are slaughtered as soon as possible, no? There is no loss then due to stopped breeding at max capacity or sometimes lower population in micromanaged pastures.

    Also, there is a variation due to offspring term tolerance and different ages of animals. Some pastures without a worker were even faster in my test than worked ones, just because of this randomness. If there would be any function or modifier in game that makes breeding faster with a worker, this could not happen.


    How long did you run your experiment, Tom? I saw the same as you at the beginning but after some years things changed and the pastures with herdsman produced more meat. In my game with a good, a decent and a bad located pasture, the medium may produce as much as the good some years but the bad located was always less until I built a house and a barn close, after that the output improved. I don´t think it´s random, it´s much too regular.

    Tom Sawyer

    It did not run long and was only to check if the game calculates any shorter offspring term which it does not. I agree that a constantly worked pasture has a higher output because what we said and if the stockbreeder is not much present due to bad location than the pasture probably pauses breeding sometimes at max capacity.

    So that’s the conclusion I think, that pastures can be micromanaged but with a full-time worker it will produce more in long term.

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