Banished Ventures

Venison not good enough – or too big?

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by vidholf.
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  • #4266

    Hiya! I just started a new game with The North 6.2, Norseman, Stone Bridge by MrFlopsy, Natural Diversity Light by Bartender, and Hazel Tree by Discrepancy. I’m playing on Mountains, with Fair weather and Shepherds. First job I assign was Hunter (2), then some clearing and building, including Goahtis. From March to May, the Hunters kill deer and leave the venison on the ground around the sacks. Once a Goahti is built all the mutton is moved to it, freeing up room in the sacks. But then no one moves the venison into the sacks. During May, after I’ve raised priority on the venison, I finally see someone pick up venison, bend down like they’re going to put it in a sack, release the venison, and then the venison appears on the ground beside the sack. Meanwhile, people begin to starve…

    Is this normal? Is it just that the sacks are too small to hold 1 venison in spite of having held 100 mutton? ;-P

    My solution is to reload an earlier save and have them build a storage building, but… o.O

    I have a save game at the tipping point, if it would help – but it’s over the file size limits for attachments.


    Thank you!


    Tom Sawyer

    Hi Dan!

    Looks funny with all the venison on the ground and starving bannies. :D

    The reason is all the tools, coats and hides in these sacks which have a capacity of 150. Normally, venison can be put there but it’s 100 food and cannot be split. Unfortunately they are too stubborn to carry food from the ground right to their home. I tried it when making the goahti to avoid exactly this in the very early game but it ends up in people picking – dropping food at their homes caught in a loop.

    The only solution is building a storage shed to make the meat available, as you did.

    I will increase this limit for attachments. Thank you for this hint.


    Ha! I saw them doing the same thing again during the replay: pick up, deposit, *wormhole*, venison on the ground. :-) I hadn’t been thinking of the single slabs of meat as equal to 100, so that explains a bit better, thank you!

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