Banished Ventures

Wiki-Translation to german ?

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Helmut-pdorf.
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  • 3 Posts - 79 Views
  • #6314

    Hi from Vienna in Austria !

    Thanks Tom for the North Mod – I am trying North 7.1.2 in different hard mods !
    It is really a new play and has not so much to do with the original banished vanilla ( even it is good to know it).

    My Question:
    I am admin of wikidot community and owner/master of the and I am used to translate lots of english pages into german language.
    Also we have translated as volunteers the wikidot – menu and phrases on in different languages.
    Is this possible for this wiki also – or is there a german version existing?
    Or would the structure of the wiki this not allow ( like different name-spaces in naming conventions between english and german)
    Would be nice to here from You

    Tom Sawyer

    Hi from Germany!

    I keep writing in English because the topic may be interesting for others too. The website supports multi languages and we already had German and Russian wiki pages, also starting with French. I stopped maintaining them since one of the major updates, not because I don’t like it but it’s quite some effort.

    So would be great if someone helps with the wiki here and there. Only as much as you like of course. I gave you access to it. We can talk about details in steam-chat or twitter..



    Hi Tom, in twitter I (= Helmut – @Helmuti_pdorf ) cannot write a message/mail to you (I am follower now ) in steam-chat I have no experience and do not know your steam name and believe I have to wait for your online time… I would like to write a normal mail to your mail address in impressum ?

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