Banished Ventures

Year 50, no bricks

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by Tom Sawyer.
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  • 4 Posts - 296 Views
  • #7615

    I just finished year 50. I have 4 large trading docks and not a single brick, is it this hard to get bricks from merchants?. I already custom order bricks and tiles to Hanseatic merchants but they never bring any.

    Tom Sawyer

    It’s actually not that hard with so many big ports and if bricks are ordered, they bring it next time for sure. Maybe your orders are still set to bring it “Never”?


    Thanks for your answer, Orders are set to “every visit” but i´ve noticed trader brings all the materials I ask except for bricks and tiles, ive downgraded two 2 docks now because of this reason, could this ve a bug?

    UPDATE: Finally got bricks and tiles at year 58 :P

    Tom Sawyer

    Those merchants are mean sometimes. They always bring 8 stacks of goods randomly picked. So the more items you order, the smaller the chance to get a certain one. And if you want them to bring many bricks and tiles for sure, then better to remove everything else from orders.

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