Banished Ventures


Trapping is a special way of hunting fur animals using traps. Those traps are made of iron and have to be crafted by a smith or bought from a merchant before you can start your business. This requirement makes it a midgame trade behing Ironworking while normal hunting can be done right at the beginning.

The main limitation of trapping is forest area. Fur animals live in natural forests with lots of old trees and deadwood. If your forests are depleted or intensively worked by foresters, the yield of furs will go down. In addition, a trapper needs a pretty large hunting ground to work full time which is not a problem when arriving in that remote land with huge untouched forests but it will change with a growing town that needs a lot of wood and with expanding farmland.

Banished trappers have a quite dangerous job since they have to work in the wilderness and animals caught in traps attract big predators. Facing a hungry bear fighting for “their” prey can end deadly for a trapper!

On the good side, trapping is one of the most profitable trade in the North. Furs are very demanded and can be sold for a high price of 3 or even 4 silver per unit. This leads to a yearly profit of up to 4000 (trade value) for one trapper. There are not many professions that can keep up with this amount, especially not that early.

Also good to know: Knowledge about wildlife and advanced trapping techniques increases the productivity of trappers. So later with educated workers, trapping is still useful against the tendency of depleding forests.

Tech-Tier: 1 (Ironworking)
Requirement: Traps
Products: Furs
Buildings: Trappers Cabin

Related Trades: Hunting, Tailoring

Last edited on 18 January 2020

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